Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV:

Shut up, you stupid alarm clock! I'm trying to sleep here!

I squinted at it. Dammit! I'm so gonna be late! Best if I stay at home, then I wouldn't have to meet them.

I shuddered at the very thought. I quickly changed out my pyjamas and into my so-called school uniform. It's a VERY itchy white blouse with a tie and a navy blue skirt. I don't even know why school uniforms existed in the first place.

I walked out the door with my mint green hoodie and pastel blue headphones on, listening to ' Thank you' by MKTO.

' Watch where you're going, bitch! ' Sarah (the Queen Bee around here) yelled as I bumped into her in the hallway at school. Everyone snickered and whispered to each other.

' Why is she still alive?'

' What a whore...'

' Mute... '

None of the comments bothered me anymore. Then, an instant shot of pain shot throughout my whole body as Sarah punched my stomach multiple times.

' That's what you get for being a slut! ' She kicked my gut again. I crouched over and whimpered in pain.

' That's gonna leave another bruise. ' I thought, ' I'd better get back to class. ' I tried standing up but failed miserably. In the end, I had to crawl all the way to homeroom. Luckily, I made it before the bell rang.

I got to my usual seat while everyone in homeroom was laughing at me. Some of the jocks threw paper balls at me. But I didn't bother to fight back because then I would be fighting a losing battle.

Since I was so tired, I folded my arms and placed my head on the table with my hoodie covering at least half my face.

Ms. Cooper began,' Class, we have a new student beginning class today. Please introduce yourselves, lad.'

I peeked through my hoodie to see who he was, since curiosity took over me. A boy with shaggy chocolate brown hair wearing a blue hoodie and skinny jeans was standing awkwardly. I felt a spark, but then shook it off, thinking it must be my imagination.

' I'm Luke Anthony Anderson. Nice to meet you all. ' He introduced.

This whole time Luke was staring at me and I quickly hid my face under my hoodie again. Soon, I heard the chair being yanked out of the table. Huh? No one likes me so why would anyone sit next to me... I peered and to see Luke sitting next to me but why?

Luke's POV

After I introduced myself, I saw a girl seated at the last row staring at me. Her brown hazel eyes met mine and I felt nervous instantly. I wanted to know more about her. She noticed that I was observing her and quickly hid her face again.

' Mr. Anderson, please take a seat. ' Ms. Cooper instructed. I quickly sat next to the girl and everyone was like ' Dude, bad choice...' I was confused. Why didn't anybody talk to her? Or like why doesn't anyone likes her?

I poked her to see only that she was half-awake and that she flinched in pain?

' She looks cute when she's half awake. Wait what?! Luke get a hold of yourself! You just met her and haven't said a single word yet and you call her cute!? Bravo, Luke you just outdid yourself today. ' I thought sarcastically.

She looked at me and gave that 'don't-disturb-me-or-I-will-rip-your-head-off' look and I backed off immediately.

' Class, you will have to be in pairs for a music project to be handed in a month...' I wrote a note to the girl beside me.

Skylar's POV

When Ms. Cooper announced that we have to form in pairs for the music project, I grumbled. I hated group projects. Right then, Luke passed me a note under my desk. I read it, and it said

' Hi there! I was wondering if we could get to know each other and group mates for the music project?

~ Luke'

I replied back,' Ummm... No, cuz...

1. You barely know me.

2. I'd rather do it alone.

3. I hate group projects.

4. I can't sing or play any instrument at all.

5. I don't talk to anyone.

P.S. Don't bother talking to me again.

~ Skylar'

I passed back the note and saw his face fall which I knew was going to happen. I just didn't want him getting hurt like all of my previous friends, they got beaten up because of me.

Time flew since I slept pretty much during class, see even teachers ignore me. Finally, the bell rang for second period classes and everyone rushed out of the classroom, leaving me alone to slowly pack my stuff.

Well, I guess I can tell you about me and my such wonderful life (note sarcasm).

My name is Skylar Abigail Hayden. I never talk to anyone anymore so everyone thinks I'm mute. Well, you already know I get bullied a lot in school , so in other words I'm a loner and very sarcastic in my thoughts.

Now here's my family background, my dad is a workaholic so he barely comes home and ignores me literally as if I was just a ghost. My mum? She died, along with my brother. His name was Kian. The day they died was the beginning of never celebrating my birthday ever again. We were driving towards the beach and some dumb bastard didn't see where he was driving and his car rammed into ours, killing them instantly. Well, I guess that's me then...

I got out of the classroom, only to bump into someone I wish could avoid for the rest of my life... Alex Reeve Anderson. Great, another person who is going to beat the shit out of me. (again with sarcasm)

' So, I see you bumped into my girlfriend today and didn't apologize, eh?' He questioned, as he finished speaking. A blow to my stomach. Multiple punches everywhere... End result: Me being bruised and battered...

He whispered into my ear, 'You'll pay for everything tomorrow...' Once he left, I groaned in pain as I stood up and limped towards the next class. Everything pretty much passed by painfully when school ended. Bruises were gonna form tomorrow, I'm sure of it.

Once I got home and in the toilet, I took out my cutting knives and started decorating my right hand with blood and little'x's, I didn't feel any pain as I watched in fascination while blood dripped into the basin...

Soon, the blood dried up, leaving red lines all over my hand and I looked at myself...what do I see? A girl with just nothing...absolutely nothing except bruises and pain...

Then my stomach growled, it didn't really bother me, last time I ate was three days ago and that was just a granola bar... Since my dad barely came home, he wouldn't go buy groceries unless he brought home some take-away which was unfinished food. So now, I practically only surviving on water, thanks to the fact I have no cash at all.

I placed my headphones over my ears and dozed off into nightmares waiting to happen... but I'm already living one...

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is the first chapter and I think it's quite boring but I hoped you readers enjoyed it. Feel free to leave comments! See ya in the, chapter!

~ Chloe :)

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