Chapter 13

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Skylar's POV

Ugh, the light it burns. I blinked a few times, oh it's Christmas. I bought a Christmas sweater for the occasion. It was suppose to be a joke, but oh well, why not wear it?

I got out of my room. I sniffed the air. Pancakes... The scent came from the kitchen. But who could be cooking? I went in, seeing Luke frying a batch, humming along to Heroes by All Time Low. I tipped toed behind him, wanting to surprise him.

'Guess who?' I covered his eyes. He gasped in mock surprise, 'Skylar! What a surprise!' I pouted and poked his cheek, ' You're no fun!' 'Go watch television or something, the pancakes will be done soon. ' I switched on the the television snd they were showing Fairy Tail. I squealed in joy, 'Yes!'

'Breakfast is ready!' Luke yelled. I got up, my eyes still glued to the television screen. It was a tense battle between Lucy and Angel. Lucy was losing all her celestial keys.(Yeah, I watch a lot of Fairy Tail. Hehe... )

I took three pancakes and spread it with butter and sugar. We ate in silence, while the television was still turned on. I heard a knock. I stood up and went to get it. It was Dan. He was at the door, standing there awkwardly.

'Hey Skylar. I was wondering if you would like to come to our Christmas party later. It was kind of a last minute kind of thing.'

'Sure! What time will it start?'

'At around 6. See you later.'

'Okay, yeah see you later I guess.'

And I closed the door. Luke stared at me. He knew it was Dan. 'Please don't go for the party, Skylar.' He pleaded. 'Don't worry, it'll be fine.' I assured him. He said nothing, knowing that he couldn't change my mind.

I was excited about the party. I went back to eating my pancakes. After that, we played Five Nights at Freddy's in the gaming room. I had recorded the whole thing so that I could upload it on YouTube later, after I edit it obviously.

I almost finished the game until Foxy got me. It was on the sixth night. Luke managed to finished the whole game. I was envious of him. ' How did you finish the game?' I asked.

'My brain works in funny ways and it can never reveal its secrets.' He said. I pouted, ' Come on, Luke. Spill the beans. Now.'

'Never. And you'll never catch me.' He taunted me and stuck his tongue out. He got up and ran out of the room. 'Oh, it is on!' l yelled. I ran after him, wondering where he could be.

l peeked into my room. Nope, not there. Suddenly, I was tackled by Luke, wearing a poker-face mask. I screamed. 'You scared the living daylights out of me.' l slapped his arm, playfully. He laughed at my reaction. 'No Christmas present for you!' I said.

'I have a Christmas present? From you?' He inquired, raising his eyebrows. Oops, l think said too much. My cheeks turned red. And I looked down. He realised my sudden change in mood.

' I'm sure it isn't that bad, ' Luke encouraged, ' Can I see it?' I nodded and went back to my room to fetch it. I gave it to him. I have no idea what his reaction to it will be.

He grinned and pulled me into a hug. It felt right. So warm, friendly, kind and loving. 'Thank you, Skylar. It's beautiful. And you are too.' He whispered into my ear. I smiled and hugged him back.

'Thank you for saving me from myself...' I said. He hugged me even tighter. I giggled. 'What's so funny? ' He asked. 'It's just like a dream come true.' I smiled. 'It definitely is.' He whispered.

His phone rang. Apparently, his parents were wondering if he could join them for Christmas dinner at their house and he said yes. Luke apologised to me and said that he had to get going. I understood completely and brushed it off like it was nothing.

After he left, I decided to call Addy, to invite her for the party. 'What do you want now?' She grumbled. 'Can you come to a Christmas party tonight?' I asked. 'Party? I'm in. What time will it start?' She perked.

'Really?' I scoffed at her reaction. 'What?' She asked innocently. 'Nothing. And it's held at 6.' I said. ' Okay, see you!' She chirped.

'Hmmm, what should I do now?' I wondered out loud. I looked at the apartment. It was messy... Damn it. Oh well, let's just get this done and over with.

I collapsed on to the sofa. That was exhausting. It was 3pm already. I decided to get ready, which means only changing into my Superman pullover and black skinny jeans.

I decided to watch some movies, like Finding Nemo and The Lion King. Yes, I'm still immature at heart. Don't judge me! I heard a knock on the door. It must be Dan or Phil.

I went to get it. 'Addy!' I screamed. ' Hi!' She replied with the same tone. I closed the door and locked it. 'Okay, you ready to meet my neighbours?' I asked. 'Ever ready!' She squealed.

I smiled and knocked on the door. 'Hey, Phil. I hope you don't mind me bringing a friend along.' I said. 'Sure! The more the merrier!' He chuckled.

The apartment was decorated with fairy lights. It looked sort of magical. 'Well? Don't just stand there, enjoy yourselves,' he said,'if you're looking for Dan, he's in the kitchen.' I walked to the kitchen, only to see Dan whisking away and covered in flour. I laughed at the sight of him.

He turned to look at me and smiled. Suddenly out of nowhere, he sprinkled flour on my face. I yelped and glared at him. 'That's payback for laughing at me.' He stuck his tongue out. 'Whatcha making?' I asked him. 'A log cake.' He replied quietly. 'I wanna help!' I said. I hummed along to Citizen Erased, not before long, Dan joined in.

~Time Skip ~

'Okay, can you help me spread the chocolate on the cake? I'm going to find the decorations.' He walked off. I spreaded the chocolate evenly and used a fork to draw lines on it to make it look more realistic. ' I'm back.' He sang. I laughed and handed the log cake to him.

Everyone had finally arrived at the party. Pizza was passed around. Laughter filled the air. Soon, it came to games, first to play was truth or dare. Everyone sat in a circle. Phil spinned the bottle on it landed on Dan. ' Truth or dare?' Phil smirked. 'Dare.' Dan challenged.

'I dare you to kiss Skylar. On the lips.'

'What?!' Dan and I both yelled at the same time. 'You heard me.' He said. 'Fine.' He whined. He sat closer to me. His lips pressed against mine. I felt sparks but there shouldn't be right? I love Luke. I know I do.

But my mind was somewhere else...

To me, it was the most unexpected thing I did...

I kissed him back...

Author's Note

Rawr! Hey, guys! My updates will be even slower since I just started secondary school and there's like 10 subjects. I'm definitely going to suffer there *groans*. I just finished a campfire at our school last night and we won like three prizes for the whole class! Woohoo! Anyway here's some maltesers for you, *gives Maltesers*

PS You know my characters, Dan and Phil? Change of plans. They are just two ordinary guys who are youtubers that live together. They are not the actual Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. Okay?

~ Chloe :)

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