Chapter One

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I sighed in relief as the battle was over and my wounds were healed. "Thanks Spottedleaf..." I gave a small smile.

"Your welcome! Now go on. I have to treat the other cats." I padded off to Firestar, who was sitting alone waiting for every ones wounds to be healed. "Don't worry!" I chuckled, nudging him. Although I always had feelings for him,  his heart belonged to Sandstorm, and I would just have to live being in the 'Friend Zone'.
I padded away getting ready to hunt or mark borders. "I want Dustpelt to lead a patrol to hunt down by SnakeRocks! He will take Ferncloud,  Brackenfur,  and Sandstorm!" Graystripe shouted. "I also want Cloudtail to lead a border patrol down to the Twoleg Place! He will take Frostfur, Thornclaw, and Cinderheart. I want to make sure those BloodClan cats don't choose to stay!"

As Graystripe went on assigning patrols, I followed Cloudtail out of camp.

"I want Cinderheart to go down by the Thunderpath! I'll stay here with Frostfur. Thornclaw you go by were the CatMint is!" I darted off towards the the Thunderpath,making sure i didn't trip in the process.

As I was sniffing the air a tang of Rogue blood filled my nostrils. I padded over to investigate what it was.

As I padded over, there I found a small midnight black tom laying on the ground panting, with a huge neck wound that would have killed him.

There was no Collar on him so I knew it wasn't a BloodClan cat. I began to sniff the strange cat. I nudged him attempting to wake him.

He jumped up in surprise, unsheathing his claws.No, those were already unsheathed, actually, they aren't unsheathed at all!

My fur began to bristle as I stood on guard ready for the strange cat to attack. But he didn't, I started to nudge him repeatedly. He would just lay there. I could tell he was only unconscious because his chest was heaving.

Icbegan to drag him into a abandoned fox den and set him down staring at him.

Maybe I can help him?  Like I could try different herbs? No that would be stupid. Oh I know I could ask Spottedleaf or Yellowfang!  Yes that'll work! She let out a soft purr as she padded back of to were she was going to meet back up with Cloudtail and the patrol.

"Hello!" She purred. "What made you so happy?" Thornclaw let out a soft purr staring at me kindly, I stared back at him confused. "Let's head back." Cloudtail mewed sternly, breaking the silence.

"Hey Spottedleaf? I have a question about what herb is best for healing wounds and what herb you use to clear infections?" I mewed curiously. "Why would you ask that?" "Just in case I get lost or something."

"Ok... Marigold or GoldenRod for healing,  and Burdock root if it's a rat bite, honey to sooth the pain a bit, and horsetail to cure it. I would also use some juniper berries to help with the pain just like honey just easier to find." "Thanks Spottedleaf!" I jumped up. "Your welcome!" Spottedleaf let out a purr.

I began to run off till I heard Spottedeaf shout something "Come back!" I turned, "What?"  I glanced over my shoulder.  "I didn't tell you what they looked like or what they smelt like!"I could hear a small chuckle escaped from Spottedeaf. "Come here." Spottedeaf giggled,"Let me show you!"

A New Opening (A Scourge X Cinderpelt story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora