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Jongsuk POV's

I barge into my daddy's room when I arrive at home. I see my daddy lift his face and I just stare at him coldly "What are you doing?" He ask me and all I can do is smirking to him. I walk to him and stand beside his bed "Do you want to know about something interesting?" I ask him and he just look at me. I pull out my phone and search for the picture that I took earlier. When I found it, I give it to my daddy. He bulge his eyes and clench his teeth. I know he is mad right now because of the picture. I gave him a picture of Hyerin and Luhan kissing. Goodbye Hyerin, my daddy will kick you out from this house "She is just a liar and slut, like I always said" I said that and my daddy didn't react to my words. I mentally smile inside my mind thinking about what will happen next. This is the time when the right people will win "Leave me alone" My daddy suddenly said that while giving me my phone. I huriedlly take my phone and get out from his room. I know tomorrow Hyerin won't have breakfast with us anymore.


Jihye POV's

I wake up in the morning and feel something is missing. I don't know what is missing. I just know that I feel this strange thing for almost a week. I just staring at the wall while replaying all my memories about Luhan. I don't understand him right now. He just like playing around with my heart but his eyes told me that he isn't. I confused with myself and my thoughts. I take a deep breath and start to control my thoughts. I can't live like this. I have to move on. I stand up from my bed and stretch my body. After that I walk to my bathroom and take a bath. These days I just take a bath for a short time. I hate having a thought inside the bathroom if I take it for a long time. Then I walk downstairs and having my lunch. I really skip my breakfast and dinner. I just eat for lunch. My body is really skinny. I see my maid serve my lunch and I know my maid is really care about me. Her face is really worry everytime serving me my lunch. But I can't do anything since I don't like to eat anymore. I eat my lunch slowly when my maid already done serving my lunch. Suddenly I feel my throat is really dry. I pull a glass of water towards me and lift it to touch my lips. But I feel really weak and that glass falling to the floor "Praaang" That glass broke into pieces. I just stare at that glass and my maids huriedlly run to me. They clean that broken glass for me. I really feel sorry for my maids "Omo Miss Kim, your hand" Suddenly one of my maid said that and touch my hand. I turn my face to my hand and I see blood run through my finger. When my hand hurts? I didn't feel hurt "I think my hand just cut by those broken glass" I said that and smile "Gwaenchana" I continue and walk to my room.


I clean my hand and dry it with towel. The blood already stop so I put a plaster on my wound. Suddenly someone knock on my door so I stand up and walk to my door. I open it and I see my maid bow to me "Mr. Lee is here Miss Kim" She said that to me "Where is him?" I ask my maid "I'm here" Suddenly I hear Jongsuk's voice there. I turn my face and I see Jongsuk stand there. I smile to him and ask my maid to leave. I invite him to go inside my room. He walk to the couch and sit there. I approach him and sit beside him "What are you doing here? Why so sudden?" I ask him "I just feel so alone and I hate Hyerin, she is still there" He said that with a straight face to me. What does that mean? "She should leave but I think my daddy is crazy" He said that while playing with his phone. What is he saying? I didn't understand "What do you mean? I don't understand and who is Hyerin?" I said that to him. Who is Hyerin? Is that Hyerin that I know? He put his phone on the table and turn his face to me "Long story, I need to pee first" He said that and stand up. I see Jongsuk walk to my bathroom and leave me clueless. I see his phone on the table and snatch it. I unlock it and his phone straightly show me a picture of Hyerin and Luhan kissing each other. I can't believe what I see. I can feel my heart beats very fast and my breath become heavy. I can't hold my tears so they streaming down my face. I bite my lips so I won't make any noise. It really hurts me. How can they met each other again? How can they kissed like that? How can Jongsuk had that picture?

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