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Jihye POV's

I really have a happy life now, I feel like me and Luhan already have our own little family. We will get marry next month, after a long preparation, it's about 3 months preparation. I feel nervous and excited. These days I'm getting busy, I need to accompany both of my mom and Luhan's mom to pick a souvenir. They are more excited than me actually. Just like today, they will drag me to shop some details for my wedding. I worry about Jimin, I often left her home with the maid or sometimes Lami will come after her school to play with her. I miss Jimin a lot. I have a guilt if I left her again today. Suddenly my phone rings and it's my mom "Yes mommy?" I asked her "Dear, don't forget to come after lunch break, I will text you the address" She said that and hang up. I wait for her text while daydreaming. Whar is Luhan doing right now? Maybe he already arrive at his office now. I get the text from my mom and read it. After that I see the clock on my desk. It's still 9 am. I have to pick Jimin from the ballet class on 11 am. I hear a knock on the door and I saw my secretary there "Miss Park, you have a meeting now" She said that and I nodded. I walk out from my room to the meeting room. I hope I can pick Jimin up on time.

It's a relief the meeting end before 11 pm. I hurriedly inform my secretary that my daddy will take all my work today. After that I run to my car and drive to my Jimin's ballet class. When the red light stuck me there, I look around and I saw people eat ramyeon. Suddenly I feel sick and want to vomit so I hold it and turn my face to the front again. I step on the pedal when I saw the red turns green. I turn my car to the left and park my car infront of the building. I get in and sit on the nearest bench there. I wait for my Jimin, she will be out in any minute. I took out my phone and suddenly it rings, showing me Luhan caller ID. I smile to the phone "Honey" I hear his sweet voice and I keep smiling like crazy "Where are you?" He asked "I'm at Jimin's ballet class, wae?" I asked him "No, nothing, just curious and I miss you and Jimin" He said that softly and my heart flutter "Me too, we rarely meet these days" I said that and I hear Luhan humming "Eomma!" Suddenly I hear Jimin's voice so I turn my face just to see her running to me "Jimin is here, I'll hang up, okay?" I said that "Arraseo, be careful baby, I love you" He said that and hang up. He always did that, he never wait me to say I love him back.

"Eomma, I'm hungry" I hear Jimin pleaded to me "Okay, what do you want to eat?" I asked and she think like an adult. She is really cute, I can't handle her cuteness "Jimin-ah" I called her because she is too lame "I want to eat that" She point at the nearest restaurant and I park there. We walk out together and sit inside the restaurant "I want this" I point at the chinese dumpling "And I want an ice tea, Jimin-ah, what do you want baby?" I asked her and she stares at the menu cutely. She is newly learning to read and she get excited with everything "I want this" Jimin point at the menu and the waiter nodded to her. I don't know what is her order "I want orange juice too" She smile to the waiter and the waiter smile to her "That's enough" I said that and the waiter leave us alone. I watch my daughter smiling to me "Eomma, can I meet appa?" She asked me cutely and I nodded "Sure baby" I said that and a smile appeared on my face. I will left her with Luhan today. I bet Luhan will happy too "Let's come to appa's office today, arraji?" She nodded to me but suddenly she turns her face and her eyes spark like her daddy's eyes "So fast" She said that when our food already come. When I saw Jimin eat the ramyeon, I feel I want to vomit just like earlier "Jimin-ah, eomma will go to the toilet first, okay?" I asked and she nodded. I run to the toilet and locked myself there.

I vomit badly and I feel so pale right now. I can't smell or see ramyeon. It makes me sick. What happened to me? I stare at myself through the mirror. What happened to you Jihye? Suddenly I realize maybe I'm pregnant. People said that this thing often happen when you're pregnant. But this never happened to me when I carry Jimin. A smile appeared on my face, who knows? Just got to check it later today. I chuckled and stroke my tummy "Are you there?" I asked and chuckled again. Suddenly I left Jimin alone so I hurriedly walk to our seat again. Jimin's bowl already empty and it makes me relief "Eomma, are you sick?" Suddenly Jimin asked me and I shook my head "No, but why did you eat so fast?" I asked her while smiling "I told you I'm hungry eomma" She said that and I took my chopsticks "Want some?" I asked her and she jump from her chair. She walk to my seat and sit on my lap "Aaaa" I said that and she open her mouth. I feed her softly and feed myself too. Who knows there is another baby to be feed right now. I can't hold my chuckled because the thought of that. If I really pregnant, this would be perfect.

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