Easter Sunday P.2

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It was 1:00. 6 humans/monsters waited outside the forest. Waiting for what you may ask? To be more specific, waiting for WHO. Two who's to be exact. Two that have yet to return from the forest. The two known as Sans and Grillby. Toriel waited patently for the two to return, checking her clip board to make sure they both actually ARRIVED! However, every time she looked at it, it said the same thing. Grillby was here, and Sans's basket was gone. So he was presumably in there. As the clock continued to tick, the others began to get inpatient.

"Hey goat lady! When can we leave?". "Can I get my kids now?". "Why are we still here?". With each question asked, Toriel always responded with, "Soon.". But soon, she wouldn't be able to keep them waiting. Soon, they would all have to leave in preparation for all the children excited for the candy and hunt.  After more waiting The goat woman looked down at her phone. '1:30'. She let out a sigh as she turned to the volunteers.

"Ok. You all may leave. Remember to bring your children back here by two. See you then!" One by one, everyone left. Everyone except the goat mother. She entered the forest to find the two missing monsters.

~with the lover bois~

It seriously felt like a never ending chase. For around 30 freaking minutes, Grillby and Sans had been running around. The only reason, however, Sans was able to stay ahead of his lover, was using a little magic to teleport behind a tree or bush. He'd catch his breath a little before he was spotted and chased again. Sitting behind a tree, said skeleton hid while watching his boyfriend search for him. Suddenly, the fire monster tripped and fell down, getting the attention of Sans. He rushed out from his hiding spot to assist the elemental.

"oh my gosh grillbz! are you ok!?" In an instant, both monsters where standing. However, Grillby held Sans in the air, like a school girl would hold up her new toy. "Gotchya." Sans let out a frustrated groan as he saw the pieces coming together. From the moment he tripped, to Sans's soft side coming out. "noooo fairrrr! you abused my soft side!!!". Grillby laughed. "And you used your magic to out run me." The skeleton nervously laughed. "yea, that's fair."

Grillby set down his short love, and they both laid in the grass, starring up into the blue sky. They sat in silence for a couple seconds, before they began cuddling. It was cute. (If I could draw it, I would.). They where both alone, with each other, on a perfect day. Within seconds, their cuddle session was interrupted. "Sans! Grillby! Where are you boys!?" Sans and Grillby recognized it instantly and got up to follow it. After a bit of walking, the two found Ms. Toriel walking around the woods searching for them.

"oh. hey tori!". The goat mother looked at them. Her face first shown relief, then quickly changed to anger. "Where where you two!? You are..." she looked at her phone. "45 MINUTES LATE!" Both looked down in shame. How did they manage to draw their little 'chase' out for so long? "Well we are both very sorry. Right Sans?" Grillby nudged his boyfriend. "huh, oh yea! sorry!" She stared the two down for a minute, then she lightly softened her expression.

"It's fine. But just this once! If we have another holiday like this, you better not do this again!" The two nodded. "Go home and pick up Frisk and Papyrus please. I will be waiting here.". The duo briskly started to walk out the forest to go pick up the children. Well... child and older child.

~now 2:00~

Surprisingly, many children showed up. Human and monster. At least 30! Everyone stood behind a large white line, awaiting for Toriel to blow the whistle for everyone to begin.

"In three, two, one..." the sound of a whistle rang out as the children ran into the forest, going to find their candy presents. Sans and Grillby sat down on a park bench, holding hands, looking at the kids run around. Only now, Sans was starring at his "hot" boyfriends, pun totally intended.

"hey g?" Grillby faced the skeleton. "Yes?". "would you... ever want a kid?" Grillby was a bit taken aback by the question, but soon shut his eyes and looked up. "Maybe. As long as me and you stay together, I bet everything would be perfect. Plus, they would be very beautiful." Sans laughed at this. One day maybe. One day.

Ok I am really sorry for the wait. Test have been a little time consuming 😅. Quick question. If the two where to have a child, what do you think they would be named, gender, and whatever. Not promising anything, just wanna know. Also, don't worry. The two Gaybies have not done anything sinful yet! Anyway hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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