chapter 1: Going home

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~Pandora's p.o.v~

"now boarding for Gothem city" A woman on the intercom said, "that's me" I said as I stood up to hug my parents. "bye mom, bye dad I love you!" I said as I hugged them both. "bye sweetheart be safe" "I will mom bye" I said as I walked to the gate to get on the plane with a small wave to them " And say hello to Bruce and Barbra for us!" I heard dad yell "will do" I said with a smile. Once I got settled on the plane, It took off shortly after. I was looking out the window barely holding in my excitement at the fact that I was going back home. The place where I wished that I stayed at. I mean so what if it was dangerous, granted everywhere was dangerous But the point is it was still my home, where all my friends are and where all of my good memories are. I still remember my last days there before my parents decided to up and move for some unknown reason.

~Flash back (five year old Pandora} ~

It was hot today, I sat in the shade on the steps of my school trying to cool off a bit. "pan! come look at this" I turned to see Barbra waving at me to come to the sand box on the playground. I ran over to her, to see that she has made a sand castle with a mote around it. "whoa that's sooo cool barb, your amazing" I said while I took it all in. "It's not that cool" I heard Bruce mutter next to me, "sounds to me that little brucey here is jealous" Barbra said and flicked his nose with a smirk which only made Bruce even more up set. "I am not jealous and i'm not little either." Bruce said while crossing his arms over his chest with a huff. "aww is the witle baby up set?" Barbra teased and pinched his cheek. "stop that!" he said as he swatted her hand away. I giggled at there bickering. Barbra and Bruce were at least two years older then me, so I didn't always get to see them but it was always entertaining to watch them argue. I decided to get up and go play on the slide, as I made my way there I saw a small boy sitting under the slide all alone with his knees pushed up to his chest with his head down. he looked a little older then me, maybe the same age as Bruce and Barbra. I slowly approached the boy, in which he must have noticed for his head snapped up to me so my forest green eyes met his crystal blue ones. "hello my name Pandora, whats your name?" I said with a small smile as I held out my hand to him. He looked from my hand to my face seeming to hesitate. he slowly took my hand to shake it ever so gently. "my names jack" He said barely above a whisper. My smile became bigger as I sat "do you mind If I sit with you?" he just shrugged and moved over to make space for me. "how come your sitting all by your self?" "none of the other kids wants to play with me..." "why not?" "because i'm the devil..." "the devil?!, why would someone call you that?" "you ask to many questions you know that" He said slightly irritated. "sorry....." sighing "look you should go and play with your friends" "but I wanna stay and sit with you so your not alone" Jack seemed to be taken back by my answer, but quickly regained his composure. "i'll be here tomorrow, If you want to talk and keep me company." "ok!" I said as I jumped up and down while giggling. Jack stood up and patted my head, I gave him a big hug which took him by surprise but he soon returned the hug, we both snuggled into each other a little before jack slowly pulled back. "you should go, I think your friends want you" he said ruffling my hair. just as he said that Bruce started walking over to us, without a word he garbed my hand and dragged me away from jack. "pan what were you thinking talking to someone like him?!" "why can't I talk to him?" "he's a really bad person plus your way to innocent to be around him." "but he was really nice and he's my friend Bruce" "you can't be friends pan, bad things happen to people that become friends with him" I remand quite as he pulled me along, trying to process his words as to why I couldn't be his friend. The more I thought about the more I wouldn't stop being friends with jack just because Bruce said so, besides we just became friends that would be mean.

~End of flash back~

After that day me and jack stayed friends and I even made new friends like Johnny and Selina along the way. It didn't last long for my parents decided that we needed to move half way across the country so my dad could get an even better job. It was a sad day, I just remember crying and begging them for them to let me stay. the worse part was that I never got to say good bye to jack.

Hope you all enjoyed it and please don't forget to vote🤗

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