Chapter 2: A Car In Our Drive Way

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Harry's POV

I was in my room when it happened. Someone rang the doorbell, I thought nothing of it. People always rang our doorbell for three reasons.

Number one: to complain about Dudley for beating up their child (to which Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia  would get offended by and call the parents a liar while Dudley watched the interaction smugly in the corner), Two: they are visiting (this was usual extended family but some times it was Uncle Vernons work friends),or Three: to deliver the mail. I guessed it was one of Dudley's poor victims parents, I had heard him talking to his friends the other day about how he beat a ten year old up at the park because he wouldn't get off the swings. So I continued writing my letter to Ron and Hermione.

Dear Ron and Hermione,

I hope your having fun at Grimmauld Place. Unfortunately I'm still stuck with the Dursleys but Aunt Petunia's been considerably nice this week, she just seems to be glowing with happiness. I think I'll be able to join you both soon, I sure hope so. Dudley's a pain in the-

There was a fast knock at the door.

"Harry are you ready?" Came Aunt Petunia's shrill voice. "Ready for what?" I asked. "I told you we'd be having visitors, God I can't believe you!"  She walked across my small room to my dresser. "What are you doing?" I asked. She remained silent. She continued to toss clothes around until she found a light green dress shirt and some khakis.

"Put these on won't you? Meet us in the dining room when your finished." With that she closed my door, her footsteps fading as she walked down the stairs I stood there dumbstruck. The whole interaction had been very quick and though she was mad, she didn't direct her anger at me and start yelling. I knew we'd have company this week but I didn't know what day, i also didn't know that I would be meeting them since im always forced to stay in my room during these occasions.

I shuffled over to my window and looked outside. There in our driveway was a burgundy Toyota that looked fairly new. I tried to think of people the Dursley's knew who had a car like that but nothing came to surface. I suddenly heard excited screeching downstairs. Shit I'm supposed to be dressed. I hurried to put on my clothes the pants fit perfectly but the shirt was a little too big since it was Dudley's hand me downs.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My thin frame that was growing muscles, sure they were small, but they were there. I looked at my messy black hair and tried to smooth it down with my hands. My eyes glanced at my scar. I should probably hide that with my hair, the Dursley's wouldn't want our guests thinking I'm even more of a freak than I already am I thought. I put my shoes on and slipped out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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