CAT & DOG • Yeonjun

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"Seriously Yeonjun?" You ask with a brow arched as you stared at the boy who stood in front of you, a kitten in his arms and the best sad puppy eye look he could muster.

"You really just- couldn't leave it in the street?"

"It was meowing at me! It seemed like it was starving y/n! Come on, just until we can find a home for it" Yeonjun said with a pout. "Besides, I'm sure the guys would love it"




It's Yeonjun's turn to arch a brow at your words before a small, breathless chuckle escapes his lips.

For a moment you do a double take at Yeonjun. Despite being friends with him for over years now, his charm and visuals never seized to amaze you.

And you curse at your own thoughts because, falling in love with your best friend? Too cliche.

"Come on y/n, the guys and I visit almost everyday, we practically live here! See? You won't even have to take of it! I promise, I'll have everything under control" Yeonjun says, raising his right hand up as if he was making a pledge.

At first, you tell yourself not to give in, the thought becoming mantra in your head.

But when Yeonjun pouts once again, muttering a small please, all you could do is sigh and say

"Fine. But you better find a home for it as soon as possible!"

And before you know it, Yeonjun's putting the kitten down and running towards you before pulling you into a tight embrace.

And your shocked and flustered as hell because Yeonjun smells like a damn flowerbed with a mix of typical worn-off guy perfume which, for you, smells amazing.

He pulls away for a second, although his hands are still on your waist. He's suddenly silent, the celebratory mood from earlier is gone.

And he stares at you, eyes trailing down from your own to your lips.

"Why are we just friends?"

Your eyes are wide and you try to blink away your confusion, although you really wondered if you heard him right.


Yeonjun's eyes trail back to yours before he repeats his statement.

"Why are we just friends? Why aren't we more than that yet y/n?"

When what he said had just processed, you pushed Yeonjun and took a few steps back, hands up as if saying it wasn't your fault.

"Woah woah woah, wait. Why are you suddenly asking this?"

Yeonjun chuckles once again and a part of you just wanted to scream at him to stop doing that cause it was really messing with your heart strings but you tried your best to ignore the feeling at the moment.

"Because I like you, you like me, and even though I said 'I got it under control' we're probably gonna raise a kitten together"

"YAH CHOI YEONJUN I AM NOT TAKING CARE OF THE CA- Wait, did you say that you like me?"


Aside from being shocked by the information itself, your eyes are wide at how casual he is about the situation.


Yeonjun just shrugs but you furrow your brows at his seemingly chick exterior.

"We practically share one braincell Yeonjun, and you're as oblivious as I am to these things so which one of the four idiots told you!?"

Yeonjun's shoulders immediately slump and he sighs, a small frown on his face as he muttered "It was Taehyun"

"I knew he was a snake!" You mutter.

"Although now I'm really doubting what he said cause we're still on this topic and not cuddling on your couch"

Already coping well with the situation, you thought about teasing Yeonjun but the version of him that was currently standing in front of you wasn't the cocky, playful version, it was the worried, timid and insecure version that he showed when he was really troubled.

And it shocked you that, despite how what he said earlier seemed as though it was just casual conversation, he was genuinely worried about where your relationship stood.

"Well how can we start dating if you didn't ask me out yet?" You say with a small chuckle as you approached him, holding his hands in yours and rubbing smalls circles at the back of his palms.

"Isn't it automatic that when two people like each other they date?"

"Yeah but Yeonjun let me remind you that I literally found out seconds ago that you liked me too"

"Oh. Fair point"

Silence fills the air for a few seconds as you stared at Yeonjun, him doing the same before his eyes trailed down to your lips once again.

This time though, instead of thinking it over a million times, he didn't hesitate to lean in and plant a soft kiss on them.

And your eyes are wide at first but you slowly lean into the kiss, his hands letting go of yours and snaking around your waist as he pulled you closer.

The kiss was soft and gentle, and as cliche as it sounded, magical. Like every typical first kiss. But you loved it none the less.

"Be my girlfriend?" Yeonjun suddenly muttered after you both pulled away from the kiss.

"Get the popcorn and prepare the movie, I'll get some blankets and the kitten"

Then, Yeonjun flashes you a bright smile, pecking your forehead before heading off to the kitchen.

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