Chapter 1

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     It's happening again..... I'm back with another book hopefully I can continue it this time (=_=)
I'll be writing this on my phone so it might be crappy
     They're trying to find me again. Those hunter guys from the cities. Apparently they've heard me breaking down trees and shit so I'm trouble ya know?
" Get your ass out here Mr. King!"[????]
I'm not a dumbass
          I heard them talking the other day and they think it'll be easy to capture me. Funny right? They've been trying to catch me for 6 years now, since I was about 10? It's been fun, being out here alone, not having any rules. I love it. Or at least I did before they started sending out more patrols. They're trying to find a candidate for the bear king.
     Suddenly there was rustling from behind me.
Shit again?
" Huh?"[???]
       I spun and attempted to do a roundhouse kick. I've had to fight these guys off the past couple of times and I can't use pure strength anymore. They've all been bears and dragons that are coming after me so they are learning.
      The one that showed up from behind me got hit directly in the face with that and was sent flying backwards. I turned and tried to run again but slipped on the wet branch that I stepped on.
" Grab him!!"
5 guys showed up around me in a circle, all with ropes with silver in the middle. The ropes wrapped around me and immediately tightened.
" Holy fuck we got him....."[?????]
" Shit he's actually real???"[????]
" Damn he's actually pretty cute.... hey pretty boy wanna be my toy for a while..?"(Shiiiit there's already one of the thots showing up lol and there's gonna be boy and girl thots so don't worry not trying to offend anyone btw)[????]
I heard all of these immediately after the rope tightening and panicked. I pushed with all the strength I could in my arms and barely made the ropes loosen.
" Shit y'all pulled these ropes tight as fuck...(-_-)"[
The thot girl looked at me in surprise before standing above me ( he landed on his back ) and smiling creepily.
" So you can speak, " Thotty girl leaned down next to my ear and bit it then whispered, " I really wanna sit on you and lick you like a lollipop...."[????]
" Jesus Christ Rose you're already going that far!?!?"[????]
" Mind your damn business Jake and go fuck another one of your hoes! * proceeds to flip him off*" [Rose]
All I could do was blush and look between the two, it seems like they have some beef with each other.
Next thing I know I'm being lifted and thrown over someone's shoulder like a damn rag doll.
" Wait what-"[Marcus]
Rose, thotty girl, decided at that moment that she would kiss the fuck outta me and steal my breath.
When she pulled away she licked her lips.
" Now that was a kiss! Thank you babe~"[Rose]
Rose then hit me on my head with whatever was wrapped in bandages on her back and knocked me out.

Call of The Wild: Bear KingWhere stories live. Discover now