How it all started

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Ash was a normal teenage boy with a slight difference, he was a murderer. Now most people didn't know this except Ash and his victims and possibly his parents which tried to commit Ash to an insane asylum when he was 13 in fear he would kill them. Ash was now 16 and didn't kill his parents though he blamed them for trying to get him committed to an insane asylum at just 13 years old. He wasn't crazy in any way his inner mind was still there when he was 13 but now it was deteriorating and making him want to kill. He was sitting in math class thinking about the math problem on the board when he felt a feeling he never felt before. He ignored the feeling but it came back and stronger and he now knew what it was, the urge to kill. To kill his sister by stabbing her to fucking death, then chop her head off and dismember her body, burn it and spread her ashes in dog shit. He hated his sister and wanted to kill her for a long time but never did but he did vocalize his desires so did she since she hated him too. But he never went as far as having the urge to kill her though he liked it and finally accepted the urge but didn't know how he was going to pull off the murder. He would think about it later because right now he had to focus on the math problem. The urge didn't come back he guessed it was because he decided to kill his sister in a gruesome way. He worked on the math problem and finished it, the teacher went over it and asked if there was anyone who didn't understand what they did to get the answer. Five people put their hands up and the teacher went over how they got the answer to the problem. Ash got through the rest of math class and went to his next class, which was the last class of the day. He got up out of his chair and headed for the door. He was stopped by two guys pulling him back. They said,"Where do you think you're going?"

Ash replied,"To chemistry."

They laughed at him and took him to the boy's bathroom to beat him up. They left him and after they both left he got up and went to chemistry. When he got there the teacher looked at him with concern in his eyes when he saw Ash walk in with a black eye and his lower lip cut up. Ash just ignored the teacher's concerned looks and went to his seat in the back of the classroom. No one asked what was wrong execpt his friend Crimson Flare. Crimson's real name was Daniel Flare but Daniel liked being called Crimson better. It made him sound tough and like someone you don't mess with. Crimson asked Ash,"What happened man?"

Ash replied,"Austin and his friend Alex beat me up again."

"You know I could beat them up for you if you'd like me to," Crimson offered.

"No, I couldn't let you do that because they would just beat you up too," responded Ash.

"I'm just trying to look out for you because I'm your friend and I'm worried about you," said Crimson.

"I know man, I know but I don't want you to get beaten up because of me," whispered Ash.

The teacher was looking at them like he wanted them to shut up so he could go back to teaching. They both stopped talking and the teacher went back to his lesson he was teaching.

~Time skip~

It was the end of the school day and Ash was walking to his bus with Crimson, when Austin and Alex came walking up to him.

"Hey there freak," Austin said.

Ash whispered to Crimson to get on the bus and go to their regular seat. Ash had ignored them and that made them angry.

"Don't walk away when we're talking to you," an angry Austin bellowed.

Austin punched Ash in his face and Ash went down to the ground.

Ash got up and glared at Austin and Alex with hatefilled eyes. Ash was the kind of guy who went to the gym every other week so he was pretty muscular. He had gotten up and ran towards Alex, who was a skinny, tall, blue eyed boy with relatively short brown hair. Ash tackled Alex who got the wind knocked out of him when he fell. Austin was shocked at the fact that Ash had fought back for the first time ever. Ash got up from the fallen Alex and ran toward Austin. Austin was a little bit on the heavier side and had short red hair with green eyes. Ash tackled Austin and instead of getting off of him, he punched him until he had made Austin get a bloody nose and his fist was covered in Austin's blood. Ash got off of Austin and Austin was to say the least, pissed as hell because he left himself vulnerable to the attack. Austin got up and he and Alex walked off while glaring at Ash. Ash got on the bus and everyone who saw him beat up Austin and tackle Alex started clapping, Ash ignored them and went to sit with Crimson in the back of the bus.

Crimson looking shocked, asked,"What did you do to them?"

Ash replied,"I gave them what they deserved, a beating or at least I gave one to Austin."

Crimson then said,"Well just hope they won't beat you worse tomorrow at school."

Ash replied,"I don't think they'll mess with me for a while."

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