The first killing part 2

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 Ash was watching Black Butler when his sister (his soon to be murder victim) came home. Next was his dad, then his mom came home. They all of course didn't pay attention to him. But they would soon due to the possibility of the phone calls to come. Soon enough the phone call came and he was being told to come upstairs.

      "What is wrong with you!" his father asked him in a yelling voice.

       "Nothing." replied Ash  calmly.

      "Then why did we get a call saying you beat up Austin?" asked his father.

       "Whaaaaaaaat that wasn't me." Ash said while shrinking away.

       "Don't what me. There's witnesses who said you were the one that did it." replied his father.

         "First he started it by punching me in the face. And second he deserved way worse than what I gave him." Ash growled. His father looked shocked and awed by what his son just said, thinking of what he meant by Austin deserving worse and came to the conclusion of a very bad fate he didn't want to believe his son could do. Ash's father knew all to well that his son probably could do it anyhow if he really wanted to.

         "ASH YOU CAN'T JUST BEAT PEOPLE UP!!!!!!!" screamed his mother.

         "At least he came out alive" mumbled Ash making sure no one heard. His parents looked at each other before hanging their heads in disappointment and anger. Ash knew he was going to gwt grounded for at least 2 weeks because of what he did but he really didn't care. As predicted by Ash his parents grounded him for 2 weeks of no tv or internet. Ash didn't care because he had his knives to play and practice with. He just locked himself in his room and practiced twirling his butterfly knife around.

 He just locked himself in his room and practiced twirling his butterfly knife around

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He heard a soft knock on his door and heard his mom say dinner was ready and for him to come down and eat. He reluctantly got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to eat. After eating he went right back up to his room and went to bed.

~Le Time Skip to after 2 weeks because Author-Chan wants to be lazy a little and move on with the plot~

Ash met Crimson outside of his house and Crimson immediately started to ask what happened.

        "Dude what happened to you? You haven't been online for 2 weeks. Did your parents ground you again?" Crimson inquired.

        "Yeah. They found out I beat up Austin and yelled at me for it so," Ash said digging his hands into his pockets. He didn't want to talk about it much anymore and walked off from Crimson. Crimson caught up to him and took him by the arm to stop him from walking off any farther.

          "Bro, what's wrong? Do you not want to hang out today or are you just mad at me?" Crimson asked pain coming through his voice a little.

          "You know that you are my best friend in the world and I wouldn't be mad at you ever" responded Ash with a calm clear voice that soothed the pain in Crimson's heart.

        "Then what's wrong Ash?"

        "I just want to not have to see Austin so soon." Ash sighed knowing his bully had some payback coming his way since 2 weeks ago because he was stewing for revenge.

         "Don't worry about that asshole. He hasn't bothered you for 2 weeks because he knows what's coming for him if bothers you again." Crimson said trying to look on the bright side for Ash. Crimson took out his phone and pulled Ash by the arm to the park when they got there Ash looked at his friend like he had three heads. Crimson pulled out earbuds and pulled up YouTube. Ash knew his friend wanted to show him something and just stuck the earbud in his ear while his friend did the same. Crimson pulled up Bloody Angel by Avatar.

Crimson hit play and the heavy metal band came on with a nice beginning. They listened to the band and when they were done Ash was happy and no longer sad. Crimson was happy his friend seemed to lighten up after the song had played. They got up from where they were sitting and started walking around. They were just about to leave the park when Alex had come up to them. He looked pissed to see Ash. Ash tried to move out of the way of the angry bull rushing kid but couldn't in time as he was knocked to the ground. Alex was just about to punch Ash when Crimson ripped Alex off of Ash. Crimson took the angered brunette boy away from the fallen Ash so his friend had time to get up. Alex calmed down a little and glared at Ash and Crimson.

           "This is your fault." Alex glowered at Ash. Ash cocked his head in confusion as to what he did.

         "What exactly did I do?" Ash questioned to simmering brunette.

          "Austin got sent to the counselor the other day because he said he was scared of you and now he has moved math classes because of it. I don't get to see my friend in the one class I actually have with him because of you and what you did," snarled Alex.

         "Okay first of all I only punched him back and created a bloody nose for him that's all. Second of all look at me! Do I even look scary!? I am not that even half of his body weight cuz I'm a fucking twig!" Ash argued.

         "Well you had something to do with it or something or Austin would still be in the same math class as me!" Alex was now in Ash's face. Ash was think how easy it would be to just beat this kid up and leave him a bloody pulp laying on the ground gasping for breath. Of course Ash didn't do that he just backed away and left leaving the fuming Alex to calm down. Ash and Crimson then left the park and walked to Ash's house. Once there Ash said bye to Crimson and went inside and down to the basement to watch some anime and to be alone.

~Author-chan uses a magic time portal~

In the dark of night Ash cloroformed his sister as she slept to make sure she didn't wake up from he was going to do in the next 15 minutes. He put her in the family car, grab the keys, and drove her to the warehouse that was close by. Once there he tied her to a chair he already had there during the 2 weeks he was grounded. Luckily he wasn't grounded to the house and not allowed to go anywhere just no internet and tv is all he to suffer without. He pulled the knife he had behind his back out and cut his sisters cheek. She woke up startled. She looked around and realized what was happening and she started to cry. She didn't want to die this way or by the hand of her brother. She might have hated him and knew he hated her but never thought that he would go this far.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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