A New Job?

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(Warning: not very nice language, also more mature themes. If you don't like this you can skip the chapter.)

I decided that today I would try my hand at a job and I need to get higher up. As a child my sister's always said I was a good lier.... I guess actresses get famous but why would they hire me. I have been thinking about this, And I will do anything I don't want struggle for money I want to climb the ladders of society. I was always good with emotions so I should be able to do this. Ok Catrìona here it goes.

I stepped into a dim hall careful not to trip on my dress which was a lovely delicate white and blue covered by my shawl, I also wore my best powdered wig in an attempt to show potential and status.

I stepped into a dim hall careful not to trip on my dress which was a lovely delicate white and blue covered by my shawl, I also wore my best powdered wig in an attempt to show potential and status

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I asked directions and stood in a room patiently waiting for the owner of the theatre..... Declan Taylor, when he walked in he looked me in the eye but before long I could feel his eyes undressing me and watching every movement, every rustle of my petticoats, every soft shake of my hair and the soft weezing breathes coming from my chest.

"Miss McLeod, I am glad you came. I understand that you want to be noticed tell me do you think of our roles"
I answer fast and show my confidence, puffing my chest out. "I am afraid to disappoint you sir but im not like the others I'm not a common whore trying to up her situation and so you can stop undressing me with your eyes"
"Well then" he smiles and looks away "we may just have the perfect part for you, you wouldn't mind having to interact closely with some of the gentlemen that come to the theatre then. I'm sure they wouldn't be able to take their eyes off of such a...... Lucky... actress." He finished while staring at my body shape trying to see all my curves. Thank goodness lots of men are like this, I mean how else do most poor women get rich, Nellie Gywn pops into my head.... if only I could get that far. I smirk in your dreams Catrìona.

Looks like we have a new job but still a long way to go.......

(Again terribly sorry about short bad chapters.

Lets hope I improve soon,


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