Little Baby

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(Warning Bad language)

3rd Person

Catrìona had a nursery built and was so excited to be a mother granted it was not her child but even so she would raise little Margaret she had already decided to nickname her Georgie after all a sweet little thing she was but Catrìona felt she suited the name Georgette more.

Margaret Georgette Harrison was a small baby, you could see she was Scranton and she had dark brown hair that complemented her lovley ocean blue eyes. She did look like Catrìona but then again Catrìona had a light chestnut near ginger hair instead. As the child of an heir to a Baron. Of course though she was illegitimate but who was Catrìona to be stuck on that she herself didn't have as high morals as many women, she was often looked down upon and presumed to be a harlot simply because of her work. Not that female actresses were all harlots but the people of Edinburgh deemed the theatre she worked in full of whores.

Time Skip

Catrìona had just settled baby Georgie when she heard a tap on the door. She went downstairs and opened it not wanting to bother Suzy while she was making dinner. A girl was standing there she looked young maybe 15 and she was dressed as a servant.

"Please miss can you help!" She hurriedly babbled, so Catrìona took her hand and brought her in to the parlour. "What is it you need?Miss....."
"Delilah Vicks" Catrìona was just being polite and both women knew it after all the girl was clutching and pulling out her dress which didn't very well hide her pregnancy belly.
"I understand you took in a child and I don't want to lose my job and...and please take my baby please I don't have anywhere to take the thing and it will die if I don't have my job which I'll lose if anyone finds out about this" the girl started sobbing as she poured out her situation how she met the man, how he left her and how her freinds guided her here. "I will take the baby, I love children and all you need to do is provide some money and you can come and visit anytime"
The girls face started to beam she was so happy and when her child was old enough to introduce as an other family member she could have her child back.

Time Skip

Catrìona was watching Georgie sleep, she hadn't thought and now she was to look after two babies but she didn't mind she was now known as a kind hearted woman. Little did she know that the rich of Edinburgh noticed her and wondered why she did it, well they would get to know soon because a girl called Philomena Reeding was about to investigate and help her rise up after all Philomena understood what it was like to be poor and also because she thought it could gain her some more options, Philomena was in truth the very person who would teach Catrìona what do do.

(Okay sorry that's not that long but I thought that since I may not continue one of my book this has been the most popular one. I'm also experimented with 3rd Person is it better than 1st or not if nobody says anything I'll probably continue with the 3rd Person. Also I like children so I wanted to include them more into my story so now Catrìona takes in illegitimate children and raises them for money which I believe was actually called baby farming and sadly it turned out that a lot of children were mistreated and some women were even hung for killing all the baby's they took in. It's actually quite interesting but I won't have Catrìona be nasty to the children she has a soft spot for them so I don't plan to do that. I'm working on making my work longer sorry if it's short.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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