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Adrian's arms were strong. This was something Vincent had always known. But to feel his arms holding him, to cling to them as they were in the sky, it was another matter entirely.

"What do you think of the view?" Adrian asked.

"It's beautiful," Vincent replied. But his eyes weren't staring at the sky, or the ground below, they were staring at Adrian. His large black wings shaped like a bat's. Beautiful. His eyes shining from the use of his vampire powers. Beautiful. Vincent enjoyed Adrian. He didn't want to look at any other view, but he did, Vincent turned his attention tot he ground. The lights of the building whined with such intensity. Vincent smiled. Adrian felt a wave of relief wash over him. Beautiful.

"That's the first time you've smiled."

"How could I not smile in the arms of a strong handsome man?"

Adrian dropped Vincent.

He had a tendency to drop things when he was flustered.

Vincent fell through the air at a high speed. He saw the ground get closer and closer. Peace, he felt it, the imminence of death. He loved it. But Adrian's arms wrapped around his stomach. The falling ceased. Vincent placed his hand on Adrian's arm. He turned his head to look the vampire in the eyes. "Do you always drop people like that?"

"No, I'm so sorry, I'll be more careful. I promise."

"So, it wasn't some sort of trust exercise?"

"No!" Adrian defended himself. The calmness in Vincent's voice scared him. He didn't want to lose Vincent. But, Vincent wanted to lose himself. Adrian rested the two on top of a building. They sat on the edge and stared at the sky and people beneath them. Not the best choice of location considering the previous circumstances...but eh, he did it anyway.

"Would you ever turn me into a vampire?" Vincent asked out of curiosity.

"Why would you want to be one?" Adrian frowned. This lifestyle wasn't the best.

"Just wanted to know if it was possible. If I had your lifespan, I'd be an endless supply of food," Vincent said.

"Vampires can't suck each other's blood!" Adrian said.

"Why not?"

"It's...well...it's..."Adrian's face flushed. He averted his gaze. "intimate."

"You don't want to be intimate with me?"

"No that's, well, that's not what I meant!"

"What do you mean then?"

"Vampires drinking each other's blood is like..." Adrian didn't want to explain this.

"Is like?"

"I can't say..." Adrian his his face in his hands.

"I won't judge you, I promise."

"Promise? Really?"

Vincent nodded.

"It would be like...69," Adrian's voice cracked. He honestly couldn't think of another way to say this without saying it.

"I don't know what that means," Vincent lied. He wanted Adrian to struggle. It was cute to watch. Adrian's redness only increased.

"You know...when two males...suck each other's..." Adrian muttered.

"I can't hear you," Vincent raised his voice slightly. "You have to speak up!"

"When two males such each other's dicks!" Adrian yelled at the top of his lungs. People at the bottom of the building looked up to stare at him. His face still as red as before. Vincent burst into a fit of laughter. He leaned over and clenched his stomach.

"You shouted it," he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I can't believe you shouted it!"

Adrian crossed his arms, "Hmph!" he puffed out his cheeks. "You knew the whole time, didn't you?"

Vincent nodded. "I'm sorry," he wasn't, "but you were just so cute!"

"I'm never going to forgive you," Adrian's cheeks puffed out more.

"What if I do something embarrassing too?" Vincent suggested.

"Maybe then," Adrian said.

"Alright," Vincent put his hands around his mouth so the noise would travel farther. "I like to suck vampire cock!" he shouted.

"Why did you have to say that?" Adrian hid behind his wing. "Of all the things you could've said..."

"You don't want me to suck your dick?" Vincent was almost offended. He was a great dick sucker...from what Diedrich had said, at least.

"I actually have always wanted to suck yours," Adrian muttered.

Vincent once again pretended as if he couldn't hear what Adrian had said. He scratched the back of his neck. "Are you not attracted to members of the same sex?" He fidgeted a bit, to appear more awkward than what he really felt.

"No it's not that!" Adrian assured, he got up and in Vincent's face, with a determined expression. "I heard from a friend of mine that erect penises are kind of like popsicles to vampires...well, she is a succubus and a vampire, so maybe it doesn't count...but anyway I've always wanted to see if she was right," Adrian explained. Then the words sunk in. Why did he just say that? Time to hide behind his wings again.

Vincent reached out to move Adrian's wing away. "We could just make blood popsicles by freezing blood, you know?"

"It's not the same!" Adrian frowned, "I wanted to know if she was right..." he muttered.

"Why haven't you tried it before?" Vincent asked. Surely Adrian knew someone that would lend his dick for a bit. (Besides Vincent, of course.)

"Well, Adrian looked up at the sky, completely serious, "I don't want to do that with just anyone. I only want to be intimate with the person I love." He glanced at Vincent, as if trying to hint at something, but Vincent was too much of a bastard to act like he understood the implication.

"Have you always had that sentiment?" Vincent also looked towards the sky.

"If you're asking if I'm a virgin," Adrian sighed, "the answer is yes."

"I didn't mean it like that," Vincent scratched his neck again, "but I suppose that information is nice to know..."

The two sat in silence for a good portion of the time. When the wind started to blow, Adrian used his wing to block it from hitting Vincent. He didn't want him to get cold. Vincent found that to be just another adorable aspect to him. There were a lot of things about Adrian that were cuter than Vincent expected. This was becoming an issue. Was he developing feelings after all?

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