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"This place is ancient," Sebastian kicked the door open and swatted away cobwebs. "Why did we come here again?" 

"I heard vampires live here, really powerful ones," Ciel stepped into the place. He shined a flashlight up and the ceiling. "Beautiful," he admitted. "Even if it is dusty and dirty," he waved his hand to try and get rid of some of the dust in the air. He sneezed. Guess that didn't help. 

The two wandered the halls for a minute. So many artifacts and useless knickknacks. "Hey, look at this," Sebastian pointed. "This painting kind of looks like it's following you. Watch," he took a step to the left and then to the right. The eyes appeared as if they were watching him. Perhaps this place was haunted and not the home of vampires. 

Glowing red eyes appeared at the end of the hallway. They heard the growling of a large animal. "Oh shit," Ciel turned to face it. "That doesn't sound good." The eyes got closer and closer, as did the noise. Ciel jumped into Sebastian's arms and yelped out of fear. Then, without warning, the eyes disappeared just as they had appeared. The lingering of the growling echoed in the hall. 

"This was a bad idea," Sebastian agreed. "I'm going to be eaten by my least favorite animal, fuck my life," he began to sweat. A warm mist surrounded them. The growling returned. They shined their light on the mist, and the body of a large wolf was there, but they couldn't tell if that was a reflection of the fog or the true animal. 

"Maybe it's just like The Hound of the Baskervilles?" Ciel offered. "Maybe we are just seeing what we want to see?" he laughed, albeit nervously. Two more glowing red eyes appeared at the edge of the hallway. They were a fiercer shade than those of the hound. Much fiercer. Much bloodier, as if they'd seen quite a bit of violence in their day...or drank quite a bit of blood...Ciel didn't know which version he preferred. 

"Pluto, sit," a voice said. A strong powerful voice that made Ciel shiver in fear. Sebastian too, although he would never admit it. Hands clapped and thousands of candles lit up in the hallway. Starting from Sebastian and Ciel and traveling to the eyes. The two humans were blinded by the sudden light. The figure standing before them was dressed exactly like you'd imagine a vampire to dress. In attire fitting for both a pirate and a classy victorian earl. 

The more Ciel looked at him the more he felt the figure to be familiar. His hair was the same shade as his own, minus the streak of silver. Was Ciel looking into a reflection? Change the eyes and teeth, this man might very well be him in the future. 

"Oh shit," Ciel hugged Sebastian more. "I think we are going to die by future me's hands. Did I hate living that much?" 

"Ciel?" the vampire questioned. 

"Ahaha," Ciel tried to play it cool but he couldn't, "walk into a castle in the middle of a woods, dude looks like me, this is totally a normal night for a Phantomhive." He looked to Sebastian. "Dude knows my name, he knows my name. Did I just kill us? Sebastian, you were right, this was a bad idea..."  

"You are Ciel, my, you've grown so much. I'm Vincent, your father," he smiled. He took a step forward, but like any good life-fearing citizen, Sebastian took a step back. 

"I'm sure I would know if my father was a vampire," Ciel frowned. "I would be a vampire too, right? So, I would know. Yes, my skin is pale but I don't burn in the sunlight."

"That's not how vampires work, Ciel," Vincent tried to explain. "I was turned into a vampire and now I'm somewhat like their ruler..." 

"You're the king of vampires?" Ciel's mouth dropped. "Why was my dad such a badass and I never knew?" Ciel asked Sebastian. Sebastian would've shrugged, you know, but he was busy holding Ciel. At least Ciel seemed to be taking the whole dad-is-a-vampire thing seriously for the moment. 

"I never thought I'd see you again, Ciel," Vincent admitted. Pluto transformed into a humanoid and started running towards Vincent. He clung to Vincent, purely naked, completely embarrassing Ciel, but he doesn't like to talk about it. 

"Grandmother certainly wasn't fond of you," Ciel crossed his arms. "I can't imagine why. Having a vampire son would be completely fantastic, in my opinion." 

"I haven't been a vampire very long," Vincent sighed. Ciel didn't seem to care about the truth of the matter. He just liked the idea of it. And he would continue to like the idea of it, even if he got all of the facts wrong. He'd come up with a bunch of stories to spread around to the other vampires. No one would know the truth and that was part of the fun. 

"I'm moving in," Ciel announced. He jumped out of Sebastian's arms, finally, and stood with determination. 

"What?" Vincent and Sebastian both asked in unison. Another pair of glowing eyes appeared behind Vincent. Long silver hair with a streak of blue. He looked scared, almost, as if he was the one intruding on this castle. 

"Who are they, Vincent? Why are they saying that they're moving in? Are the humans finally after us? We're not going to be tortured, are we? I knew this was a bad idea. We should've just run away back when the previous true alpha was alive."

"Adrian, it's fine, they're just my sons."

"Sons? Plural? You're including me?" Sebastian pointed at himself. 

"Are you two not together?" Vincent tilted his head, squinting at them, "I'm pretty sure you two are together." 

"We might as well be," Ciel admitted. "He's only been my servant since the dawn of time. Grandmother wouldn't let me go anywhere without him." 

The new family talked and talked until there was not enough strength left in Sebastian or Ciel to talk any longer. They slept resting on each other, with Pluto as their bed. Ciel would annoy Vincent to no end for the next few years, pleading to be turned into a vampire. He wanted the aesthetic, as he put it. Sebastian had no choice but to turn once Ciel turned. He wasn't going to age all by himself as a lowly human. Preposterous. 

Sebastian and Ciel never married. Ciel was next in line to be true alpha, so he wasn't going to fuck it up by becoming an omega (as, he was 100% certain he would if they married). Vampire kings had never had children before, so the vampire community wasn't taking well to the fact Vincent was enforcing this. As time passed, however, Vincent became a loved ruler. He did end up doing away with much of the old customs. Much to Grell's and Red's delight. 

And so, they all lived, happily and forever...(mostly)

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