The Masks

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Why does she wear a mask

To hide her perfect face

Made of jewels and gold

Lined with patterned lace

Though it sparkles, shines and shimmers

Blinding when it hits the sun

It looks heavy and uncomfortable

Wearing it mustn't be fun

She must be hiding something

Something that scares her

Something that she hates

Something that makes her unsure

What could it be?

A flaw?

A mistake?

Something she saw?


She is beautiful

though I've only seen the mask

Through the cracks I see her

And 'why hide?' I ask

What I've seen is glorious

Natural and lovely

As a butterfly, she has been blessed

By Mother Nature kindly

I've seen many masks

Some like hers, others greater

Mask hide something

That will be released later

Why use a mask

If it will eventually fail?

Is it safe? Is it comforting?

Does it feel like a jail?

Do they wonder

what it's like to be free?

To not worry, to not fear

To finally see?

Or do they not feel

Do they not regret?

Have they accepted their fate?

Accepted their lives as puppet?

For when they put on the masks

They lose their true selves

They lose all free will

They're controlled by demons that hide in masks

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