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I crouch down behind Clint ever so helplessly as he shoots down all the enemies blocking at every corner in the side, countering each attacks of them. And to the enemies' luck, they couldn't even catch a single breather.

I still wanted to help. If only I have my rifle with me now. I watched frantically as Clint reloads his bullets, taking all of them one by one; all I could do was watch.

Zilong, Alucard, and Saber, are the ones who are getting the most damage from the front. As they take down all the men one by one despite the blood gushing out from their skins. Despite all the cuts, and open wounds slowing them down, they never relent.

If only Gusion was here, this all would have been finished.

But I guess, he couldn't, not anymore.

I clutch my grenade.

Two weeks ago...

If she could remember correctly, of when it all started. When they broke up — no, when Gusion broke up with her.

Of how straight forward he was, despite how he usually talks to her. Normally, people would think of him as that one man who'd be the last to ever talk politely and seriously. Of how his eyes congregates with his monotone of voice has high approbation. To think that a man like him would really be capable of breaking up with a woman like Lesley — not really break up, considering that they were still in the level called “courtship”, but her friends thought otherwise of the situation.

As so to say, Lesley Vance is a woman with a deceiving facade of intimidation. But underneath that facade is a woman with a fragile heart. The heart she rarely shows to anyone but to the people she loves.

So it is hardly possible to deny that they, Lesley Vance and Gusion Paxley, didn't have that spark between them as they've been through much together in the line. Even when an out—of—the—nowhere lady in Violet with orange locks like goldie locks was able to prove her “unconscious love” with the so known purple Holy Blade, which isn't literally the cause of the soon-to-be couple's “end of their relationship”.

Well, if only it weren't true.

The tone of his voice still lingered in her ears. What happened to the old cocky Gusion? She'd thought. And she wouldn't even dare replay that “break up” scene in her head. Like seriously, does it take someone like that Baroque girl to change a man's heart?

First off, he isn't entirely cocky — second of which is the fact that Gusion never mentioned that he and Guinevere met before.

Somewhere in the river, like how cliche love stories start. Of how love is formed with the stones that endlessly ripple through the pond, a melodic beat that comes right after that determines how far their love shall go. The place where they all could echo their thoughts through the reflection of the river, which is literally irrelevant to the story as of the moment-


And that's what had led Lesley to be finally back at Magical City. Specifically, the Vance's mansion, of where she and Harley lives. Oh how nostalgic it was for them, it's been months since they last came—

The Land of Dawn has a different time however, which they couldn't really distinguish how long they’ve been gone from the real universe.

But it needs not to change the fact that they are finally back home. And Lesley couldn't help but thank the heavens as she could feel herself getting a little “light—headed”. Comparing with how her life works at the Land of Dawn, she doesn't get as much missions as she'd get in Magical City.

And, well; discrimination.

But not as much as before. And she wouldn't really care otherwise. After all, she didn't really need any friends.

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