1945-1952 [REWRITE]

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November 6:

With the ultimate dissatisfaction of Argentine Population from the World War II, they incited an all-out coup de etat at Argentine Government. Starting Argentinan Civil War. The rebels called themselves: Aurelians

November 7:

Most of Southern Argentine territories are occupied by Aurelians. Chile joins the war as the ally of Argentina.

November 10:

The alliance of Argentina and Chile is a ultimate disaster, in 3 days, Chilean population also rebelled against the government forces and joins the Aurelians.

November 26:

Santiago fell to Aurelian hands. All of Southern Argentine lands are occupied by Aurelians.

November 27:

Shortly a day after Aurelian occupation of Santiago, many revolts incited around Chile and Argentina. Declaring their allegiance to the Aurelians.

November 29:

With the government forces in verge of defeat, they decided to surrender to Aurelians.

November 30:

With peace treaty signed, Aurelians took over of the territories of Chile and Argentina. Creating a new nation of Aurelia with a Federated Government which is recognized by all nations. USA and Soviet Union invites them to become a permanent UNSC Member due to unstable situation in China which Aurelia accepts.


Feburary 5:

All infrastructures damaged from the civil war rebuilt. Aurelia entered into a Golden Age

Research rate and Economy rate are boosted by much much higher rate

Buenos Aires renamed to Griswall while Santiago will be renamed to Cape Aubrey

Feburary 7:

Aurelia starts building up its military, due to some factories got damaged during the war, it had to rely both USSR and US for equipment until they can domestically build their own military industry

Feburary 26:

After some much rebuilding, Aurelia managed to recover and start building their own weapons and equipment abeit slowly.


April 5:

Aurelia reveals R-47 Assault Rifle. It has become an effective counterpart of AK-47 because not only has durability of AK-47, but also more cheaper and easier to maintain.

April 9:

Motherlode of Plasteel materials discovered on Andes Mountains. Aurelia exploits the new resource as it turns out Plasteel is better than normal steel and more cheaper. Not wanting to get this resource fall to any foreign hands, Aurelia bans all export of Plasteel and make certain steps to make it top secret.

So if anyone asks why Aurelian armored vehicles is more protected than others, Aurelia will respond with: "Aurelian Engineering". A little jab to German Engineering

April 30:

Aurelia puts MT-47 (Imagine a MBT of M48 Patton Chassis and T-54 turret) on service. It is said MT-47 puts IS-3's invincible status shatter.

Quiet Times

Not much happened from June 1, 1947 to March 2, 1950


May 3:

Aurelia detonated its first nuke on Aurelian Pacific Sea. Effectively making Aurelia a third Nuclear Power. It raised concerns both US and USSR as current Aurelian ideology is still both unknown to them and Aurelians could easily catch up US at this point.

Korean War:

Aurelia sends volunteers of 2 Armored divisions to ROK. Effectively doing baptism on fire on MT-47s

Only first few weeks of Aurelian arrival, MT-47s proved their worth as it has massive killrate of 90 armored vehicles before succumbed to either artillery, ambushes, and landmines. Only 2 MT-47s lost to North Korea. Despite this, it became clear Plasteel is more effective armor and cheaper as Aurelia can easily replace them.

Note: Aurelia's superior factory can produce 20 tanks per day. In HOI4 terms: 5 factories is equal to 100 tanks

As Korean War is not in DPRK favor thanks to Aurelia, China threatens to intervene in 3 weeks and Aurelian volunteer forces decided to do an impossible

Blitzkrieg to Pyongyang up to borders of PRC

Aurelian volunteers of 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions punched through 38th parallel and comitted Blitzkrieg tactics on North Korean forces to the point North Koreans got overran so badly. Few Aurelian casualties but the result? North Korea surrenders unconditionally before PRC and USSR intervenes in 1951

Treaty of Seoul:

-North Korea shall be dissolved and united with South Korea. Effectively uniting the country.

-Aurelia shall pay reparations for damages in Korea and sending notes to USSR and PRC as an apology with the lines of "Sorry, we didn't know your tanks are made of paper and engines made of turtles"

With Korean War over, Aurelia proved themselves to become a World Power.


April 4:

With the formation of Non-Aligned Movement, both Yugoslavia and Aurelia decided a duo-power leadership on the movement. Effectively cooperating two nations

In speaking of Yugoslavia, despite being a socialist country and Aurelian ideology still unknown, they become best of friends as Aurelia has much respect to Josip Broz Tito against Stalin's Communism.

June 7:

Platnean War

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