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       I waited until the bustling noises of the academy maids have ceased in the stone halls. Waited until the small line of light underneath my door has dimmed.

Tonight is last chance I've got before Neil and Alren finally leaves the academy for war. Tomorrow morning will be spent with all three of us having one last training together before they leave after lunch. One last training before we part.

I rose from my cot and slid on my boots. I grabbed my dagger from the nightstand and hung it on my belt. The lesser things I bring, the less noise I'll make. I can't mess this up. Not when everyone in the academy is in danger. I slowly opened the wooden door leading to the dimly lit hallway. I blended with the shadows casted by the lights. I moved fast yet quiet. A few more turns and I'll soon arrive to Egan's chamber. But then out of nowhere, a boy with hair as black as deep trenches, rushed past me. He smelled oddly sweet and toxic like the gas used to fuel fire but under all that, he smelled like freshly picked mint. It was electrifying. It almost made me stop in my tracks but instead I continued in my quest.

I finally reached my destination and hoped for that the door was not locked. I slowly turned the knob and released a sigh of relief when it opened. I quietly opened the door but the sight that I saw made breathing hard.

        "Hello, Vaia. I've been waiting for you to finally voice your suspicions of me. About time you step out of cowardly shadows," Egan revealed himself from the dark corner of the room but his honeyed voice had not been enough for me to take off my eyes from what lay on the stone cold floors.

       Rage. Pure red rage ran through my veins. I acted too slow. I took my time planning because I thought that I had more in my hands.

        To have a boy, no younger than eleven, execute a murder in an academy of fighters, assassins and spies was unbelievable. I should have acted fast—thought fast, but instead I took my time.

        He snickered and pointed at the bloodied body of the Grand Head, The Great Paladin of Erythia, the greatest fighter of our kingdom. It's impossible that Egan killed him by himself.

He's not working alone.

        I forced myself to look at his small figure. "You are working with someone. Who is it?"

"Do you really think that asking me who I'm working with will help you? It ain't like you even know him or anything," he chuckled and proceeded to walk towards the huge stained glass window. "The right question to ask is who pays us a great amount of money."

I grabbed the hilt of my dagger and readied for combat. I can surely outfight him. "Fine then, whom do you work for?"

He looked out the window and smirked. "The Crown Prince of Rynwon sends his regards," He started running towards me. I steadied my stance and raised my dagger, getting ready to block his incoming attack.

But I was stunned when he turned around and ran towards where the window is. I tried to stop him but he then broke through the window and jumped. I hurried to the window to check if he was really dead, but there was nothing. No sign of his fall.

He escaped but how? I checked the bricks of the academy, checking if he somehow found a way to climb down but then again, nothing. How could he have escaped?

        My thoughts were interrupted when I heard screaming echoing from the academy walls. I immediately did a fast examination of Egan's quarters. I was hoping to find something—anything as proof against Egan and the enemy King. I started opening up drawers and closets, yet there was nothing save for a few baggy clothes he left behind. I was about to leave and look for the screaming I have heard when I accidentally tripped over a loose piece of the wooden floor boards. I gained back my footing and lowered myself to quickly open the compartment. Inside, I saw a thick leather-bound book with a strange symbol of a golden lily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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