Don't Die - Sam

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You laid on the cold concrete floor and stared at the lights on the ceiling of the warehouse above you. The Winchesters and you had been taking down a nest of vampires and you hadn't gotten out of the way fast enough. You weren't even exactly certain what they'd done to you, you just knew it hurt like hell and there was a lot of blood.

The boys called for you, but you were afraid to answer. Even the thought of trying to return their cry had tears overflowing from your eyes. So, you stared at the lights and waited for them to find you.

"Y/N?" That was Dean's voice. "Where–oh God." In an instant he was by your side, tugging off his flannel to press it to the wound in your abdomen. You met his gaze, unsettled to see your own fear reflected there. "Sammy!" he screamed. Moisture pooled in his eyes. "You stay with us, you hear? I can't lose a sister and Sammy... Well, if he keeps losing girlfriends he's going to develop a complex."

You chuckled, you couldn't help it. Pain tore through your body with the movement and you groaned. "Damn it, Dean."

He gave a little laugh with you. "Stay with me, Y/N." He turned to look over his shoulder and screamed for his brother again. "We need to get you out of here, sweetheart but we need Sam first."

"I'm here. What's the problem?" You heard Sam's voice but could tell from the muffled quality he wasn't in the room yet. "Did you find Y/N?" The way your name trailed off told you that he'd seen you.

"No, no, no. Not her." He replaced Dean in a blink. "Go get the car, Dean. Honk when you're outside. The place is already set to burn."

Once he finished bossing his brother around, your boyfriend turned his full attention to you. You felt the pressure on your stomach ease slightly and knew he was going to take a look. You placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "Don't."

He swallowed and gave you a nod that he'd heard.

"I love you, Sam." You needed to say it, just in case.

His features grew pinched as he clenched his jaw. "Don't you do that. Don't you say goodbye. You're going to be just fine."

You gave him a small smile. "Okay, Sammy. I still love you though."

He huffed a humorless laugh. "I love you too, Y/N. Now don't die."

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