Ink Sans

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🖊 You knew. You knew that he wasn't normal. You knew because you were from his original AU. You were dull, just like the others. No color, but you had a soul, unlike him. You had feelings, unlike him.
🖊 He tends to visit you at the oddest of times. He once popped up when you were changing, only giving you a bland 'sorry'. He kept staring at you, and you simply walked away.
🖊 When he tells you he loves you, you don't believe him. He is not capable of love, it just isn't possible. It doesn't mean you hate him, you just don't love him. This, in Ink's mind, is completely unfair. Every other Sans has a (Y/n) and they love each other. So what made you two so different?
🖊 "You usually want to be like the others, so why be special now?"
🖊 Ink's harsh sometimes. It's truly only out of anger, though. He will tell you you're not special, that you're just a copy of a copy. But he doesn't mean it, not at all. He just wants you to submit to him, is that really too much to ask for?
🖊 "If you truly feel this way, maybe I'll beat you into submission. You are my soulmate after all."
🖊 You'll end up locked away where someone will never find you, and he will keep you under lock and key until you start to act like the loving soulmate you should be. He loves you, but he's horrible at showing it.

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