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At the academy....
Ali's POV
So we were walking at the halls of the academy and all of the agent or you s so called little agents are there to have their training and it seems that its getting serious  after what happened to agent zain, Iman is fighting with Cris, Moon is also training with jet, Roza is with Zass and Rudy?  Nah still Rudy...maybe he is waiting for his simulation for he had no partner in could never be Alicia or me because we had an important mission to attend to..
Me and Alicia both reached the meeting room and yeah we both rushed inside..

General : Dos and Cinco escaped again ! And i received an information that the other piece of azurium!....hayy....they are still up to getting the IRIS!!!heres the location and make sure that we have enough information as possible on what are their next steps....ACT IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

At the mission...
I have noticed that something is different with alicia starting from the day when rizwan initiate the protocol gegas something changed about her physically but its just hard to tell..
But her peraonality remains except she's more pouty than before and more serious.

"Here hold this." Alicia gave me a big glass capsule containing ang blue-ish glowing crystal this an azurium???
"Is this an azurium?" I asked her as my eyebrow arched wondering how did she get it?
She stays silent and no plan of answering my question ..hmm hehe so silent eh ? no one can resist my annoying personality and clumsiness and that silent of yours will be broken ..
"IS THIS AN AZURIUM? IS IT? IS IT? THIS ? AZURIUM?? HELLO? HOW DID YOU GET THIS? DID You SNEAK IN? MAGIC? OR...." my rain of questions stopped when she finally goy on her temper.😂😂


See?she cant resist ...
I tried to hold my laugh but i just let it out but a little...i dont want to blow up the mission  tho.
When we both reached the location..we hacked the security system of the place and wow theres so many azuriums in here that i have ever seen!!! and this is a serious problem..

"You switch the main azurium in the center of this place to the fake one that you are holding  while I have to keep an eye on a it?" she explained .

"Roger that." I answered as I salute.

As I walked around the hall, I can feel that someone is following me so I quickly walked and turned around but the hall is clear  and i continue to walk fasyer and then suddenly the wall on my right side exploded as if it was blasted by someone behind me.I turned my head around and I saw Cinco holding a tiny pistol..and I saw that pistol before, it is when she tried to shot bakar when we were figthing otso .

"How perfect! The IRIS is here holding the azurium...a perfect enemy of the IRIS!! And theres no way to escape now. All those effort of protecting IRIS ended up controlled by some little clumcy kid? Hahaahaha!!!!" Cinco laughed evilly  pointing the pistol  on my direction.

Damn! I thought Alicia took care of the security!!

"Hand over the azurium now!!!!!" cinco said angrilly as if her eyebrows are going to collide soon.

"Never!!" I hesitate.

Alicia's POV.

I went to the main room where the main azurium is placed making sure that im the one who got first than Ali knowing that i cant trust him..he is just going to blow off the mission .I turned off the security  system and I was about to get the main azurium when i declare that the coast is clear but I was wrong... Before i laid my hands on the main objective of the mission someone tried to shoot me with an electrical needle..I can guess that Dos is here..and when I looked around she came out turning off the cloaking device that allows her to appear invisible and she came out from the wall!! I also shoot her with by blastique so that she can't  get near the main azurium and the last shot I gave her was a gravity blastique. I grabbed the opportunity to contain the main azurium on the glass capsule ang started to run.. I recognized Ali's figure together with Dos who was about going to shoot him but I ran faster and grabbed his hand leading the exit..

"Hey! Get back here! " Dos shouted
"Cinco! The yellow one had the azurium!" she informed cinco

And the both ended up chasing us where Dos keep shooting her needles and Cinco blasting her pistol.
We got hit on the last shot and accidentally broke both of the glass of real and fake azurium...

Ali's POV
I fell unconcious in a second and I get up seeing Alicia  was unconcious and the one who got hit really  bad and she holds the real azurium and it is starting to get the color pale  from blue to sky-blue....I took the Azurium and i carried her on my back trying to escape ,once we are far from the place  that we had on our mission ..I put Alicia down to take a rest waiting for other agents because I just request a back-up and while I am waiting,I have noticed something on alicias torn sleeve of her suit revealing her arm  after the blast and i noticed that she had a scar but it was like glowing white and looked like a veins crawling all over her body then it dissapeared...did the general know about this?
Suddenly she woke up gasping..
"Are you okay? Can you walk?"I asked with worry . She raise her hand telling that he had to help her get up and walk... And in the mean time, The back-up arrived...

At the academy emergency room..

the nurses are done treating my burns and so was Alicia's but I am kind of a bit curious about thay glow on her arm ...should I tell the general abou this? I mean she protect me for the sake of protecting IRIS so I have to protect her too that thing might be dangerous bur I am going to ask her first before telling the general...who knows? Maybe she will get mad at me if I tell the general


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