What is art?

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The definiation of art?
I asked myself what exactly is art.

Is it something Made with a persons soul no matter how it may look ?

Or is it the person itself and the way they see the world ?

Or could it be that there is no such thing as art. Since art is diffrent for everyone ?
A stickman could be more of a masterpiece to a child than famous portraits from van Gogh.

From my point of view art is this.

That genuine smile you don't see that often

That project Some one has been working on with all of their heart.

The little giggles a child Will make when you act like you don't see them.

In short , art to me is joy to others. I don't care if my drawing isn't perfect cause i love the result in that moment.
I don't care if my poetry isn't concidered poetry or art. Because i love it none the less. I hope people find comfort in my writing. Even if it may not be concidered art, i concider it beautifull in it's own way

Art is honesty and happiness

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