Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I sprinted headlong into the locker room and was immediately bombarded with the scent of heavy perfume, hairspray, and lotion. It took a lot of will power not to pass out right there and choke like a wack job but I succeeded. I dialed my combination, took out my jeans and blue and white layered tank top, and underclothes. I shove past the gaggle of cheerleaders who were dressing and climbed into the shower within seconds. Quickly, but thoroughly, I shampooed, conditioner, and body wash, and wipe myself dry. Dressing took only a few seconds, and within moments, I was done.

"Alex," Tiffany Merley, one of my best friends called out to me from where she was sitting in front of the mirror.

My other best friend, Kayla Summers, was right next to her, fixing her hair.

"What's up?" I called out and quickly brushed my hair.

Tiffany frowned and walked up to me with a scowl, "What do you think you're doing?"

I looked at her in confusion and replied, "Brushing my hair."

She sighed and grabbed my brush away from me.

"Hey!" I yelled, at the same time glancing at the clock.

Shoot, it had been already seven minutes.

"That's not brushing your hair. That's killing it," she remarked.

"Ha-ha," I said, reaching for the brush in her hand.

"No, Alex, sit down," she commanded but I ignored her and tried to reach for the brush.

"Come on," she grabbed by my arm and dragged me to the mirror while I struggled.

Surprisingly, she was strong. But then again, this chick get's to do multiple cartwheels and flips every day.

Before I can get up, Kayla basically glued me to my seat while Tiffany did her magic. And by magic, I meant torturing me with lip gloss, mascara, blush, and some other cream thingies that she smeared on my face. Kayla got set into working with my hair; curling it around the edges and making it look shiny and smooth.

"You guys, I need to hurry," I complained while they twisted and pull.

"Not that I'm going to win," I muttered under my breath. Hell, I so don't want to wash Aiden's odoriferous clothes or anything. I mean, yeah, he's my boyfriend, but he is also a guy. And as a guy, they stink and are usually messy as hell.

Just like my brother, Jason, who is a very good looking guy, but has a room that can make a skunk faint. Trust me, I've been there once to find my book, and never, even if you pay me a million dollars will I enter the threshold again. Ever.

"And done," Tiffany waved to my face with a flourish and I took that moment to hop out of my seat, grabbed both of my friends into a quick hug, grab my gym bag from the floor, and hit the door.

Outside, the weather was calming and beautiful, although it was still sort of hot. I ran to the parking lot and sighed in relief when Aiden was nowhere to be found by my car.

"Boo!" I felt someone grabbed my waist and immediately, I spun, grabbed the person into a headlock and slam him onto the side of my car.

"Lexi, it's me," Aiden said and I giggled.

"That's what you get for scaring the crap out of me," I sing-song and he glared at me from under his lashes.

"Really?" he said and I just laughed.

"I won the bet you know," he announced smugly and I glared.

"Nuh-uh," I childishly stick my tongue out at him.

Don't Try To Tackle the Ex-Cheerleader [Ex-Cheerleader #4]Where stories live. Discover now