Chapter Five - "Kidz"

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This is really happening.

Pamela knows this.

And so does Fernando.

Noe is ready for this by the car.

I want to be by the car. But for some reason, I stick close to Pamela. I feel safer with her than with Noe. And I'm definitely not moving towards Oso or Congo. They're right up-front by the enemy line. Any sniper or clear soldier on their side could have a clear shot on them. So why are they there; why did they choose that spot to stand?

I wore running shoes. Remember? Yes, I did. Therefore, why am I not running?

"Come on," yells Pamela, pulling me over towards where I did not want to go.

"Where do we go?" she asks Oso and Congo.

"Take the East," yells Oso.

The men behind the wall and gate are all setting aim.

I don't see the mediator that was talking to Oso earlier, but I do see more than enough men and women to end us all.

Are they waiting for us to shoot?

On the corners, a set of machine guns get rolled up, making the barrel of the long gun just visible over the fence, or wall, or whatever the hell it is.

"Go! Go!" yells Oso, again, realizing Pamela and I and Fernando all stayed frozen in place gawking up at the giant, long bullet dispenser that was setting aim above us, ready to blow our bodies into smithereens; and ready to tear our heads apart.

What. In. Gunz. Name. Am. I. Doing.

Like a brigade, we all move in. "One, four, one, four," I count in my head, like a soldier, even though I've never been one, until now, if this is even "soldiering".

Pamela and Fernando take me where I need to go. Or really, I follow them to tell myself where I need to go.

The first bullets ring from our side.

I run to Oso. It's him, blowing round after round, flicking his finger in that trigger like a blasting jack rabbit high on speed, needing to bounce more and more and more.

Go, go, go...That's how the bullets went, hitting cap after cap.

I can see why he wanted me to practice at un-moving targets: because he could hit moving targets...and any other targets that moved before him.

Congo's bullets are catching up to Oso's quick wit, and easy fingers.

The caps over the wall are. at this time, crossing and jumping the wall, running towards us, knives facing forward, their Google Glasses probably trying to find out where we come from; maybe their Google glasses will tell them I'm from the other side of the Wall.

We run east as we were told. But why? Why do we really run east? What, where, who, are we trying to get to? What are we trying to accomplish? 


It's all wrapped with streets, this building we're running around, and when we turn towards the eastside, we meet our first round of bullets coming from active soldiers headed right at us—from every street wrapped around this building.

Luckily, or fortunately, we're in line and behind a rack of tall trucks parked in rows, which protects us, and gets in the way, of any bullets aiming at our brains, ordered to black them out. Those trucks, and the wall they make, take the bullets meant for us, giving us time to take cover, making ourselves invisible from the Government fighters looking for us.

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