Chapter 3

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Amira P.O.V

"I don't want you to say anything until I'm done okay sunshine...I like you a lot I mean really like you. I have ever since we were in elementary school. I've been keeping it to myself and I've come to realize that if I don't tell you, then someone else will come in and start doing all the things that I want to do with you, to you. I really don't want that well because I'll have to break his face.

Because he won't be good enough for you in my eyes no one is not even me. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I had to tell you, I had to take a chance, I would rather be rejected then spend my life wondering what if"

I was speechless right now I wasn't expecting this but I shouldn't be surprised. I was right he has been flirting with me lately .Now that I think about it he looks at me so different then the way Xavier does. When Xavier looks at me it's playful and caring, protective even like a brother would, but when Zander does he has a sparkle in them they light up.

I start to think how I feel about Zander, How he is so sweet and caring and how he does special things for me that Xavier doesn't. He opens doors for me and makes sure that I eat and gets closer to me then Xavier does he always tries to find a way to touch me like he is right now. So now I know he likes me but do I feel the same way?

When I'm with him I get butterflies I blush when he talks to me. My skin heats up I get speechless like how I am right now. So I think, no I'm sure that I feel the same way I just didn't realize it until now. I place my hand on the other side of his that's on my cheek and close my eyes enjoying his touch. And decide I should probably say something now.

"I..I like you to Zander"
The smile that I saw on his face took my breathe away. He was grinning from ear to ear he picked me up and sat me on his lap.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me"
I smiled at that.

"Why don't you tell me then?"
His smile turned into a smirk and he got a mischievous look in his eyes as he stared at my lips.
"Better yet, how about I show you"
Before I knew it he had his amazing soft lips on mine kissing me.

As I kissed him back he pulled me closer to him pressing our chests together. His hand moved to the back of my neck while his other rested on the small of my back. As he tried to deepen the kiss by running his tongue across my lower lip I pulled away. He got a saddened look on his face.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just kissed you like that it's just I've wanted to do that for so long and I couldn't help my self"
I felt bad he thinks I didn't want him to kiss me. When I enjoyed it, really enjoyed it.
"No no I liked it I did it's just..I've never kissed anyone before and...I'm scared I'll mess it up"
I mumble the last part hoping he doesn't her me. But I think he does he smiles and said.
"I know and their is no way that you could mess it up not with those lips I'll teach you"
I hide my face with my hair hoping he doesn't see my very red cheeks. He puts his finger on my chin making me look up into those brown eyes.
"Now love I'm gonna kiss you again and when you feel my tongue run across your lips open them and let me in okay?"
I nod my head words failing me for fear and excitement of what's about to happen. He leans in again kissing me and running his warm and slightly wet tongue across my lips. This time I listen to him and open my mouth enough for his tongue to enter my mouth. When it does it swirls around mine almost like it's dancing. I decide to do the same thing with mine.

It feels amazing I have this tightness in my stomach and scoot closer to him on his lap. I break away because I feel like he is sucking the air out of my lungs and I can't breathe. As I'm getting my breath back his mouth trails warm soft kisses from the corner of my mouth. Making his way to my jaw line down my throat to where my neck and shoulder meet.

It all feels so good as I feel something hard underneath me in between our legs. At the same time I feel him gently bite me I moan and he pulls away.
"Okay love I think that's enough for now" I get sad and confused.

"Did I do something wrong?" He gets a panicked look on his face. "No love you didn't it was amazing its just if we don't stop now then I wont be able to and your not ready for that yet" I blush a deep crimson red understanding what he means.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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