Undertale: World of Monsters Part I: Brother and Sister

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Attention!: I do not own any of the rights to Undertale or any of it's characters! Undertale, it's characters, and any other brands and characters mentioned all belong to their respective companies! Now that I have made this perfectly clear, please don't sue me!

Authors Note: I know that the Undertale fandom is generally disliked but I can assure you all that I have not turned into a furry or anything like that. I just wanna tell a story and that's that. So please don't send me any hate or any accusations of being a furry or anything like that and just enjoy the story. As always, Read On!
Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, war broke out between the two races. But... the humans were betrayed by one of their own. The traitor believing that the monsters did not deserve their fate, willingly gave the monsters their soul. With it the monsters won the war easily. They tried to live in harmony with the humans but the humans had lost their will to go on, their DETERMINATION. The humans soon completely vanished without a trace. The monsters now lived on the surface in peace.

"Hey Frisk are you done reading those old poems yet? Mom has already prepared breakfast for us!" shouted Frisks twin brother Asriel as he pulled her out of bed by her sweater. Frisk dropped the book of poems she was reading and ran to the dining room to get some breakfast with her brother.

Frisk and Asriel were twins born to the king and queen of the monsters. They're parents loved them very much and would always do things like kissing them goodnight or messing up their fur. Frisk and Asriel were both boss monsters and while Asriel wore a green and yellow striped sweater and had completely white hair and fur, Frisk wore a blue and purple striped sweater and the hair on her head was brown but other than that the rest of her fur was white like her brothers. While they were royalty they led relatively simple lives. Either Asgore or Toriel would sometimes have to leave to take care of royal business but they still had tons of time for their family.

While the family of boss monsters ate their breakfast together they happily chatted and joked away. Today was going to be the twins first day of school and while Toriel wanted to homeschool them and teach them herself Asgore had told her that the kids would be fine and that she was already a part time teacher at the school anyway. After they were done eating breakfast Toriel drove Asriel and Frisk to school. She got out of the car and went into the school ready to start the day. Frisk and Asriel looked up at the tall building for a moment feeling a little scared but as long as they had each other they could do anything.
The second they stepped in everyone in the school stared at them as if they had just entered the building by jumping through the window. Everyone was used to seeing Toriel at this point but because of her often overprotective nature they never expected to see Frisk and Asriel there. Frisk and Asriel walked through the hall while trying to pretend that this was just a normal day for them. Asriel could sense that Frisk was starting to freak out a little so he held her hand all the way to their class.

After all of the students got over the shock of there being two more boss monsters in the school they proceeded with their day as normal. Frisk and Asriel went to their class which was coincidentally taught by Toriel. They learned some basic stuff like math, english, and history but they also learned some other things like magic 101, types of monsters, and social studies. They were only in elementary school so instead of having several classes they had one class that taught them different subjects. While Asriel did really well in math, english, and social studies Frisk was better at history, magic 101, and types of monsters. The class went really well and Frisk and Asriel were less nervous now that they knew what school was really like.
To celebrate Asriel and Frisks first day at school Toriel decided to make her famous butterscotch cinnamon pies. They were delicious of course and Asgore smushed a piece on Asriel's face and asked how he grew a beard so fast. Everyone ate chatted and laughed like they had done at breakfast.

Asriel and Frisk went into the back yard to practice doing magic. They had practiced several times before but so far they could both only manage to produce a few sparks out of their paws. "Come on Frisk! One of us has to figure it out eventually!" said Asriel while trying as hard as he could to produce a flame. Frisk concentrated trying to create a fire in her hand, she tried to envision something in her head that could help her produce a flame. She tried imagining jokes, compliments, insults, happiness, and even hatred but none of those seemed to work. Frisk tried one more time, she took a deep breath in and imagined the cozy warmth she felt when hugging her brother. All of a sudden Frisk could feel a sensation running through her body and Asriel started shouting, "Mom! Dad! Frisk did magic, Frisk did magic." Frisk opened her eyes to try to look at the flame in her hand but it disappeared the second she broke concentration.

Asgore and Toriel went into the backyard to see Frisk just standing there. "Aww, you guys just missed it," whined Asriel sounding quite disappointed. Toriel and Asgore assured him that it was fine and they would run over faster next time Frisk managed to use magic. Asriel was still a bit disappointed that their parents did not get to see the first time Frisk used magic but was still happy that at least he got to see it. As Asgore and Toriel left the backyard Asriel asked, "Hey Frisk, how did you do that anyway? What was it that you thought about. It must've been something great!"

Frisk looked at Asriel for a few moments and simply said, "I thought about you."
End of Part I

Well that's that for this part. For anyone who is currently reading my Simpsons fanfic don't worry as I will be releasing parts to that along with the parts to this fanfic. I would also like to apologize to Dr. Mason Rivers for not giving him a role in this story, I'm sure he won't mind if I give him some Kool-Aid though (LOL). Anyways thanks for your time and as always, Read On!

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