Undertale: World of Monsters Part II: Magical Magic

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Attention!: I do not own any of the rights to Undertale or any of it's characters! Undertale, it's characters, and any other brands and characters mentioned all belong to their respective companies! Now that I have made this perfectly clear, please don't sue me!

Authors Note: Dr. Mason Rivers is still mad about being left out of the story even after I gave him his favourite orange Kool-Aid. I might give him a small cameo but don't count on it. Anyways, I hope everyone continues to enjoy the adventures of Frisk and Asriel Dreemurr and as always, Read On!
It had been a few days since Frisk and Asriel had their first day of school and frisk had her first taste of magic. Of course Asriel asked Frisk a hundred and one questions about it. He excitedly jumped around her all week asking questions like, "What did it feel like?", "Can you give me some pointers?", "Should I move my hands like this or this?", and "Hey, have you been ignoring all of my questions?" Frisk did have to admit that all the questions did slightly get on her nerves but as long as Asriel was happy she wouldn't mind listening to all of his questions for a little longer.

Frisk had managed to create the magical fire a few other times and her parents had finally gotten to see her use it and were super proud of her of course but the fire would still always disappear after she opened her eyes. Frisk could make the fire but only if she kept her eyes shut and she couldn't throw it like her parents could, she also found out that the flame would burn her hand if she used it for too long. Asriel tried to use magic too but he still couldn't quite get it.

Frisk took more notes during her magic 101 courses and even got an A+ on one of her tests. Even with all this knowledge she could still only summon a single flame. She practiced during almost every second of free time she had but she still couldn't make any progress. After having a training session with Toriel she could finally create two flames at once but she still couldn't really do anything with them other than burning herself.
Frisk and Asriel were walking back after school since Toriel had been called to a meeting. She wanted the kids to stay at the school until she was done but they assured her that they were fine. So now they were walking through the busy street and they took the opportunity to look around at the scenery and all the monsters chatting and mingling together. They must have taken a wrong turn at some point though as they were now in a dark alleyway with no way out other than the way they came from. They were just about to go back when a figure at the back of the alley stepped into the light.

Frisk looked at the creature but could not immediately recognize it despite her proficiency in the types of monsters class. It wore a green and yellow striped sweater identical to Asriel's as well as a heart shaped locket around it's neck. The thing looked almost transparent with sharp jagged thorns covering half of it's ghostly visage and some even going through it's sweater. The creature held a single kitchen knife in it's thorn covered hand. Half of the creatures ghostly face was visible under the thorns showing a most unnerving looking smile.

"You two shouldn't be here," said the creature.

Yeah, sorry about that. We'll just..." said Asriel before being cut off.

"I said you shouldn't be here!" yelled the creature as it lunged at the two.

All of a sudden all of the colour in the alley drained out leaving only the two monsters, the creature, and a black and white background behind each of them. A box of text appears in front of Frisk and Asriel reading, "Mysterious Creature readies their knife, they eye you evilly."
Frisk and Asriel had heard about battles before but they never thought that they would actually be in one. Some of the kids at school tried to have battles but since none of them could use magic yet the battles usually ended pretty quickly. Frisk and Asriel had tried battling each other as part of their training but Toriel would usually stop them before they could even get started. To put it simply neither of them really knew what they were doing which was kind of embarrassing since they were boss monsters.

The creature got to take it's turn first and did nothing for a while before slashing it's knife through the air and a large box appeared in front of Frisk and Asriel that contained two white upside down hearts in it. A bunch of white knives started falling from the top of the box and when they hit the white hearts Frisk and Asriel felt pain. Eventually they figured out that they could move the hearts around with their thoughts but they still weren't very good at dodging the knives regardless. Some boxes appeared in front of Frisk and asriel containing the options: FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY. It seems that since they were both on the same team they would have to agree on what to do.

They were not really sure what they should do, so they pressed FIGHT from there they had the options: PHYSICAL and MAGIC. Neither of them could really do magic yet so they selected PHYSICAL with the creature as their target. A long rectangular box appeared in front of them with an image of an eye and two white reticles moving across it. They figured out that they had to stop the reticles, so they used their thoughts to stop the reticles just before they hit the edge. They had their opportunity to attack so they just started swiping they're tiny claws in the air. They stopped swiping and watched as the figure had it's own box appear in front of it and dodged the claw attacks easily.

The creature took it's next turn and while Frisk and Asriel did better at dodging the attack than before they still got hit a ton of times. At this point the stress of battle and his injuries were just too much for Asriel and he collapsed to the ground exhausted. The options only appeared in front of Frisk now as Asriel was too weak to make a selection. Frisk only had one option, if she did another physical attack than Asriel surely wouldn't be able to survive the next turn. So with nothing to loose but their lives Frisk selected FIGHT and MAGIC the reticle popped up and she was able to concentrate enough to hit it spot on meaning her attack would be critical, if she could manage to actually do it that is. So Frisk took a deep breath, she held out her hands, she thought about the good times she had with her brother as hard as she could, she could feel the energy inside of her but did not know if she could use it properly, and than... she let it out.
All of a sudden a stream of fire came out of Frisk's hands. Both the creature and Asriel looked on in absolute shock. The creature was so surprised that it forgot that it had to dodge the attack and got severely burned in the process. The creature was just as if not more exhausted than the twins at this point so with one last evil look it fled. "You Won! You earned 0 XP and 0 gold." read the rectangular box in front of them.

The colour of the alleyway returned to normal as Frisk breathed heavily. "I...I did... it," she said as she collapsed to the ground. She and Asriel tried as hard as they could to get up but they eventually ran out of energy and passed out from exhaustion. Some guards had heard the ruckus and ran into the alleyway to find the prince and princess of the monsters laying unconscious on the ground.

"When we bring these two back home we better have a good explanation for this," said one of the skeleton guards as he hoisted Frisks body onto his shoulders. Another guard grabbed Asriel. "Man this kid is heavy, sorta like you after you ate all that spaghetti last night," said the other skeleton guard while chuckling to himself. The other guard rolled his eyes as they carried the two royals out of the alley
End of Part II

Oh my god, I DID IT!!! This part was a real pain to write and it took me several hours to decide how I wanted it to play out. I'm sorry if the battle sequence felt a little too long, but I had to go into detail for the first major fight of the story. I promise that future battles won't take up as much space and I won't narrate the characters every single move like I did here. I just wanted the first fight to feel special. Well I'm going to be exhausted in the morning, I seriously hope you enjoyed this chapter cause it sapped away way too much of my energy. As always, Read On!

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