i'm here | Spider-Man

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beware. contains endgame spoilers. read at your own risk.

you stood your ground behind cap. thanos from the past was still pretty strong even without the infinity stones.

tony and thor were somewhere off to the side because they had been hurt by thanos. you hoped they were okay and that they would get up soon.

cap looked back at you. "you should get out of here, kid." he was holding onto Mjolnir. you smiled at the fact that he was able to lift it. steve rogers was definitely worthy.

"i was here for the beginning, I'll be here for the end." you simply stated. steve gave a small smile before turning back to thanos and his huge army.

this was a fight that seemed unlikely you'll win, but you would not give up anyway. your friends who vanished hadn't given up during the last war.

"y/n," you heard in your earpiece. it wasn't just any voice, it was his. you knew bruce had snapped everyone back, but you hadn't heard from him. "on your left," he repeated.

suddenly, you saw a flash of yellow and a bunch of your friends appeared. you looked for a certain boy in a red, black, and gold suit.

"y/n!" you heard again, but not from an earpiece this time. you turned, and there he was. he took of his mask and looked straight at you. you could feel the biggest smile on your face.

you levitated and rushed towards him. you hugged him tightly in the air, holding his weight. slowly, you brought the both of you to the ground.

"peter, it's you." you smiled. you could feel the tears falling on your face.

"did you think i would let you get rid of me that easily? it takes more than a snap," he grinned. you playfully shoved his shoulder and laughed.

he brought you close quickly and kissed your lips softly. oh how you missed his touch.

"now, let's kick some purple ass," he muttered causing you to laugh loudly.

Marvel Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora