Betrayal {Rewritten}

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          Warren walked down the stairs of the basement in the new house. He had to know for sure what was going on. Upon his waking, he saw Vanessa Santoro clearly betray The Nights of the Dawn. He had just finished his last mission for them, but recently he heard that Vanessa had been put into the quiet box. The news hit him in a weird way, he had always thought that she had been his friend but it turns out that she wasn't and that he couldn't trust her anymore. From the first time he had met her all those years ago, he felt he could trust her. He had confided everything to her and too many things weren't adding up. 

           He stood in front of the ornate box now with so many feelings running through his mind. What should he say? Should he open the box? Would she still talk to him the way she had before the discovery? In the end, he didn't open the box. He couldn't, he wasn't even prepared on what he wanted to say to her anyway. 

"How could you do this to me? Vanessa, what is the truth here? Are you really here to betray your friends? I trusted you with my life. I told you everything, was that a lie to? Was that a lie, just like the fact that you are part of The Nights of The dawn? Why did you make this so much harder," He willed himself to not cry, "You know, I had always liked you, maybe we could have been together but at this rate. I don't think it's going to happen." 

Then, he left. 

Vanessa heard everything that Warren had said to her. Sometimes she wished she could have avoided the sphinx. He had taken a lot from her. She had never meant to betray warren. On days when she felt alone, he would always cheer her up in a way no one else could. Not even the sphinx who she had devoted most of her life around. It was time to change that, she would feed them information that they could use. She would gain there trust back. And she'd never ever betray them again. 

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