Thick, heavy silence. It covered every corner of his rundown apartment. Traces of petrichor floated outside and the freshly watered grass flaunted it's vibrant, renewed color, which contrasted the gloomy atmosphere surrounding him.

   The quiet air was quickly disarmed by the sound of his phone ringing endlessly, craving for attention. The male pushed himself off the ground, hoping that this wasn't another business call.

   "Hello? Who am I speaking to?"

   "Hi, is this Min Yoongi? I heard that you're experienced with cleansing ghos-"

   All but hesitantly, he hung up the phone and threw it on his bed, head quick to find comfort in his hands that brought the relief of darkness to his eyes. His lips formed words in an attempt to calm himself, but his mind raced with memories and voices that seemed to never end.

   Not again.

   Anything but that.

   Hands leaving his eyes, he stared at the overhead light, blinding his vision for the moment. He found solace in the unwavering lack of mercy of the harsh light, letting it soak in his lens before he dragged his sight down to his hands, watching as black invaded his eyes for a few seconds before the effect wore off.

"Damn it"

His interlude ended swiftly as a ring was heard at his door. The lights above him flickered in a demanding way, almost as if beckoning to open it, although it made him less interested. Nonetheless, he trudged towards the door with a newfound annoyance.

His hand clutched the handle and reluctantly pushed the large slab until it was ajar, sealing his fate in the most jeopardous yet rewarding way.

"I need your help"

Til Death Do Us Part || M.Y.GWhere stories live. Discover now