The Siblings

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This first chapter is kinda like a prolog of the family.}

Xion ran around the living to escape her father's grasp, just like her brothers who also didn't want to go to bed. This was usual, so Cloud expected it as Leon chased the other two. Xion was the youngest out her siblings, she was also the only one without a twin. Roxas was Sora's twin and her much older brothers, Vanitas and Ventus, were twins. Ventus and Vanitas were one year older than Roxas and Sora and two years older than Xion. Even with this difference they were all very close.

Cloud looked around the living room, Xion was no where to be found. He could hear the protests of the her brothers, as Ventus and Vanitas snickered at the childishness they once had.

"Vanitas, can you find your sister?" Cloud looked up at his eldest child. Vanitas smiled and nodded, doing a small salute at his father before leaving on his search.

Lets get one thing straight, Xion was a good hider. Their house had many hiding places due to how big it was. Vanitas checked under beds, behind curtains, even the old toy chest, yet she was no where. The last place that she could possibly be hiding, was the closet that Ventus told him not to go into. He walked to it and quickly opening the door, and catching the charcoal colored haired girl inside.

"Time for bed missy, dad and pops said so." Vanitas carried her to the room that she got to herself.

"But I'm not tired. Why should I go to bed?" She tilted her head slightly and gave him a curious glance.

"If you don't the monster of sleep will eat you. Also, you need to sleep so you can go to school." Ventus's voiced filled the room. He placed a small kiss on Xion's forehead then left the room, Vanitas doing the same.

Ventus made his way to the other set of twins room. The black and blue walls contrasted each other but the two seemed to love it. The two had Leon and Cloud checking under the bed every two seconds.

"But what if there is a monster? I don't want to be eaten." Sora had tears in his eye as he looked at Cloud who checked under his bed.

"There is nothing there Sora."

"What about Roxas's bed??"

"All fine here Cloud"

"See he is fine" Cloud laid Sora down and kissed his forehead. "Just get some sleep."

Ventus said his goodnights to his brothers and his fathers and left to his and Vanitas's respected room. Eventually, the house went quiet as everyone fell asleep.

{Phhhewww let me know what ya think!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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