Part 22: Bed

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"Dang it." Him in exclaimed, face palming in the process when he noticed the open and empty box which Yoongi kept all the spare bedding in.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the boy as he waddled over to his draws and asked "Dang what?" Looking over his shoulder at Jimin who's face was hard to read.

After a long pause Jimin finally said "All the blankets and stuff are downstairs so that Jinnie and Namjoon hyung can sleep on the couch comfortably." Pouting to himself at the end.

Yoongi nodded at the fact and said "And...?" Confused as to why it mattered, having to stop himself from laughing when Jimin whined "I have no blanket for the floooOooOoOooor~"

Yoongi successful contained his laughing and said "Stop being a goof ball Jiminie, we can just share my bed. It's big enough and it ain't like you've never shared beds with a boy before. Unless your not comfortable sharing with me then I guess I'll let you have the bed-" being I interrupted by a frantic Jiminie.

"No no. It's fine hyung. Really I don't mind sharing, I just thought you wouldn't want to."

Yoongi raised a eyebrow yet again as he pulled himself out some pyjamas and asked "Why's that?" Waiting patient for Jimin's explanation.

"Because... your bed seems important to you...?"

Yoongi tilted his head to the side as he mumbled "It is... but so are you... ahem... and the rest or our friends- Now come on sleepy before I change my mind." Getting louder towards the end and turning away to hide the light pink that dusted his cheeks.

Jimin also blushed hearing every word Yoongi said but didn't reply back and just slid into Yoongi's bed, getting changed in the bathroom earlier with the clothes he had brought with him, as did everyone else.

Yoongi however didn't, same going for Jungkook deciding they'd get changed when they went to bed and luckily or not luckily, for Jimin, Yoongi didn't care about getting changed in front of people.

Which meant he stripped his shirt off with no warning taking Jimin of guard and making him a whole new level of flustered.

He quickly got changed with Jimin not peaking once since his heart was beating dangerously fast and then he climbed into his bed and switched the lights off.

"Good night Jimin."

"Good night hyung..."




"Hyung? Are you awake?" Jimin called out in the still and dark room.

It had been over a hour and he'd still not been able to get to sleep with questions running through his mind.

He didn't say it loud enough to disturb Yoongi if he was asleep but it wasn't quiet enough to go unnoticed in the dead room.

A tired "No." echoed through the room so Jimin rolled further away, if possible, and replied "Oh. Okay then." Not wanting to bother Yoongi further.

Yoongi mentally cursed because of how sad Jimin sounded so rolled over to face Jimin's back and quickly said "Jiminie I was being sarcastic-" Trying to correct it but Jimin just replied "I know, but I felt bad for waking you."

Yoongi let out a small sigh as he poked Jimin's arm making him roll over onto his back so he could face him before saying "You didn't wake me, I couldn't get to sleep. I'm sorry for being sarcastic, I do it when I'm sleepy. What's up?"

Jimin obviously looked reluctant and but his lip nervously as he whispered "...nothing... it doesn't matter..." about to turn around again but was stopped when Yoongi places his hand on the others arm lightly.

As he did that he quietly whined "Jiminnnnnnnnn~" pouting as he did so hoping the attempt at aegyo made him more comfortable before poking Jimin's chubby cheek and saying "Tell hyungie what's wrong, what's on your mind?"

Jimin still looked reluctant but slowly asked Yoongi "...When you met me and Jin Hyung did you know..." not continuing after a pause so Yoongi softly asked "Know what?"

Jimin hesitates again before whispering "Know that Hoseok and Namjoon hyungs were our friends..."

All Yoongi could think in that moment was 'so that's what's playing on his mind' before processing he needed to answer when Jimin was looking at him expectantly, looking like he was about to give up hope so Yoongi spoke quickly.

"I'll be honest, no. I only made the link earlier when Hobi and joon were talking about their past here then it was a case of Kim SeokJin... Park Jimin... but- JUNGKOOK KITCHEN. Then we talked then talked to them then you guys showed up and you knew the rest."

Jimin couldn't help but chuckle quietly as he asked "Did you really shout that?" Getting a head tilt and random noise from Yoongi that was a mixed of a 'eh' and a creaky door before chuckling.

After that he admitted "Something like it... I might be adding the comedic affect to be a dork and make you smile." Poking Jimin's slightly pink cheeks again to make him smile shyly.

Jimin rolled over so he was facing Yoongi fully and said "I appreciate it, thank you..." offering a soft smile for Yoongi who returned an equally as sweet gummy smile in response.

Yoongi snuggled into the bed looking for comfort and said "Anything for you Jiminie~" before pouting lightly warning Jimin's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Yoongi sighed before saying "I still won't be able to sleep." Causing Jimin to raise an eyebrow and ask "Why not?" In a sweet and caring tone.

This time it was Jimin who offered the comforting hand which made its way to Yoongi's (surprisingly buff) bicep and rubbing it to make Yoongi more comfortable.

Yoongi admitted "I'm worried about you. I know joon and hope will be okay, and I'm more than sure Jin is happy to have his friends back even though he's decided it has to be a secret but you have a lot to deal with so I'm worried."

"What do you mean?"

"You not only have the whole fact Hoseok is back in your life but you have to learn to trust him again and come to terms with everything that happened and what actually happened. I'm sure what happened when Hoseok was gone was traumatic and I'm really worried for you. It's not a easy thing to experience and it can make or break a person."

Jimin smiled softly but chuckling lightly too and whispered "Didn't you know I'm Jimin 2.0?" Trying his best not to laugh fully at what he said.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and asked "2.0?" Getting a "Yuhuh I'm the perfect son and church boy, who's friends are really his friends and not fake and stays away from trouble." In response from the angelic goodie two shoes.

Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows as he teasingly said "Well troubles my middle name and look, I've already got you in my bed-" getting slapped on the chest as he laughed and Jimin yelled "YAHHH YOU CANT SAY STUFF LIKE THAT AKSJSJSJA!"

Yoongi teasingly asked "Why not~?" Getting strictly say "Because it's not apart of the church boy image!" Looking both flustered and unsure of how to react which is why Yoongi said what he did next.

"Well then I think Jimin 3.0 should come soon and have him be him rather than the image his parents and other people want."

This left Jimin speechless and shy so Yoongi ruffled his hair lightly and mouthed 'goodnight' knowing he conversation had ended before closing his eyes to try and sleep facing Jimin.

Jimin doing the same after some deep thought.

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