Part 34: Shopping

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"Yes hyung?"

"I'm more than happy to keep letting you wear my clothes but I think we should maybe go shopping to get you some so you have stuff to call your own even if you just keep wearing my hoodies and sweat pants."

"Okay, when should we go?"

"Anytime Min but if you want Kookie to come with it can't be for a week since he's going with Junghyu on that business trip tonight."

"Why don't we both go when your free? If you don't mind coming that is..."

"I don't mind, let's go now then."

--- --- --- --- ---

Jimin and Yoongi both pulled up into the parking lot that links up to the shopping district of the next town over.

Yoongi told Jimin that the shops were better there and Jimin was fine with anything not really caring.

Somewhere along the way Yoongi convinced Jimin to change up his image from 'cute and charming church boy' to 'whatever the fuck you want' which apparently was enough to get Jimin as red as a tomato and agree.

Yoongi parked up the car and said "We're here. Follow me and we shouldn't get lost." Being distracted because of the amount of cars there were driving around before climbing out.

Jimin did the same and walked around the car to Yoongi and was about to step out when a car came out from nowhere causing Yoongi to grab his hand and pull him back into his chest.

Jimin could hear Yoongi's quick breathing feeling the same as Yoongi was holding his chest with his free hand.

All Yoongi could bring himself to say was "Okay I'm not going to say be careful to you because that wasn't a you problem but I am going to say that bastard needs to learn how to drive." Before he started pulling Jimin towards the entrance without the need to step on the road.

Jimin blushed when he noticed Yoongi was still holding his hands but said nothing thinking nothing off it since Yoongi did seem affectionate (just maybe a little bit more so with him.)

They never separated as they went from store to store and had to make multiple trips to the car because Yoongi insisted on buying the occasional wild card outfit for Jimin which he wasn't allowed to see.

And after six long hours of consecutive shopping, chatting and just being cute, they finally went home with Jimin drifting off to sleep at some point along the drive.

So when they pulled up Yoongi decided to just let him stay asleep since they'd done a lot of walking and carefully lifted him out of the car and carried him inside to the couch (which may or may not have made Yui squeal) before going to the car and getting his stuff.

Yui teased "Someone's been busy today." As Yoongi placed all the bags down and flopped onto the couch next to her leaning into her hug.

Yoongi complained "Eomma I think I'm dead." Getting a chuckle from his mother who played with his hair and said "If your dead does that mean Jimin gets his own room?" Getting a light nudge from Yoongi who mumbled "I'll haunt him forever so it'll stay our room."

Yui chuckled and repeated "Our?" Getting a tired nod from Yoongi before she continued saying "You've gotten quite attached to our little mochi, even more so than your Daegu dorks and Busan Brothers." Getting yet another tired nod from Yoongi prompting her to continue.

"Is there by any chance something about Jimin that makes you treat him differently to other people? I've never seen you carry any of your other friends into the house before so they haven't had to wake up, but then again to be fair it's normally you sleeping..."

Yoongi grumbled "I like Jiminie..." as he got more comfortable leaning into his mothers touch like a kitten, getting a soft peck on his fore head from her.

In a more serious soft voice she asked "Is this the type of like that i think it is?"

Yoongi paused before nodding lightly getting a chuckle from his mother who whispered "I don't want either of you to get hurt, so be careful okay?" Getting a small "Okay..." from Yoongi who drifted off not even ten seconds later.

"Your both so obvious..."

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