4• Hospital

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4• Hospital!

Thursday, April 13, 2019

Alison POV:

I walk under the yellow ribbon of the crime scene and walk to my Co-Worker Hanna Marin.

"So, What do we got here?" I ask and look at the man who is lying dead on the street.

"This is Matthew Blue, 33 Year old man and Worked by Matthew Hotdog Truck" Hanna answerd.

"Did you found the murder weapon?"

-"Yes" She showed me an bag with the knife. "At the police station I go and see if there is DNA on it" She added and I nod.

I look around me and I see an familliar women leaning against my car.
I walk over to her.

"Emily? What are you doing here?" I ask and she looked up from her phone.

"Im wanna help you" She answerd.

"But.. You're not a real police officer.." I say.

"But i wanna help you! I had some much fun with you yesterday!" She said and i smile.

"Yeah, Me to actually.." I say and look down.

"Okay! You can help!" I say and she jumps happy.

"Thank you!" She said and hugged me.

"Okey, We need to work, Hanna Marin is at the police station searching for DNA" I say.

"Do we need to go to Hanna too?" She ask and I nod.

I open my car door and step in.


"Alright, I got something!" Hanna said happy when Emily and I walk in the Search Room. She looks up to Emily.

"And who are you?" Hanna ask.
"Im Emily Drake.. Im helping Alison in her case" Emily said friendly.

"So you are Alisons partner?" Hanna ask and I sight.

"Not yet, But what do you got Han" I say

"I found DNA on the knife and its from, Chris Miller." Hanna said.

"Im gonna google him" Emily said and walked to the an computer here in the conference room.

"I found something. Chris Miller, 40 Year and he is most wanted criminal from LA" Emily said and sighed.

"Were can we find him?" Hanna ask.

"I dont know, We can call his sister.. Catelin Miller?" Emily suggested.

"Yeah, Sure call" I say and Emily gabbed her phone to call Catelin.

"Hello with Emily Drake from the LAPD, We need to talk to you Mrs Miller" Emily said and looked at us and writed somerhing on an paper. It looks like an adress.


"Alright Mrs Miller, We got some quostions about your brother Chris" Emily said sweet. We were in tje Millers' House, and Mrs Miller looked at us. She had one hand under the table, She was hiding something.

"Do you know were your brother is?" I ask and she shaked her head.

"No, I didnt saw him since yesterday"

Emily looked around.

"Oh yeah, Why is his bag here" She said and pointed to an bag with his name on it.

"Search for him" I said and the officers who came with us started searching for Chris.

When the officers went looking for Chris and were no longer around us , Mrs. Miller pointed a gun at me.

"You cant arrest him" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Why" I tried to say calm.

-"He isnt an bad guy"

"How could't he be an badguy? He robbed 2 jerwely shops and killed an guy" Emily said serious.

"Miss, We need to arrest him.. HE os dangerous" I say.

"HE ISNT DANGEROUS!" She yelled and shoot. Emily jumped infront of me to catch the bullet.

An couple agents found Chris and brought them in to the policd car.

Emily was laying on the ground with blood on her stomach.

I kneel beside her and cry.

"Emily..Stay with me!" I cry out.
I stroke her cheek and stand up. Two officer runned to us and called an ambulance.

"Mrs Miller You are arrested because you shot a detective".

The ambulance picked up Emily and drived to the nearest hospital

Alrightt! Everybody who follows me, Please unfollow me  and follow xPrettyPerfectGurls!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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