Chapter 2

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I'm currently in the car with a bunch of annoying Christian's, othaer than 1. These people took my little cousin rosa from the abusive household so me and her could be together. She was now 13 and looked like she just came out of panic! At the disco. But she still had her cute baby face that I could identify. I was in a better mood from when I entered the car.


An hour ago rosa and a 3 year old girl named hazel fell asleep. They are both resting on me. I, too was tired but I dont trust these Christians. For all I know they might dunk me in water to 'baptise ' me, something I don't want. Rosa was just moved to this foster family, that's all I found out. I also saw she has tried to cover up every bruise with a foundation that is 2 shades darker than her own skin. I was beyond pissed when I found that out, i might have to get revenge for her. But I will only kill the father and put the finger prints of the mother on the knife I will use.

"Lynn, stop plotting for revenge" I here rosa say to me in a tired voice with drowsy eyes. I sigh at the fact she can read me so easily.

"But-" she cuts me off "but nothing your not killing anybody and getting thrown in prison again" she whisper yells at me.

"Fine" I lie

"stop lying " she says


By the time we get to their house everyone has numb legs and its night time.

"Ok, everyone to bed you have school" the mother Christian calls with her gentle voice.

I follow everyone up the stairs but stop when father christian tells me to stop along with rosa.

"No, you 2 go in the basement we set up for you, that's where foster kids go" he practically screeches

"That's fucking bullshit" rosa screamed "I agree" i add.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Christian's, putting kids in a basement" she screeches

She was about to add something else, until father Christian slapped her face.

"I will not have language in my house" he yells like a girl

"You sound like a girl" I point out holding rosa back from attacking him.

Rosa starts laughing at my remark and doubles over tears forming in her eyes. I hear more laughing from behind him and see the mother christian doubled over laughing.

The man-girls face was red with anger, he looked so much like a balloon.

After what I did with the laughing and all that me and rosa went into the basement. Her cheeks were red with anger when she saw pink on the bed that was ment for her.

"Discusting" me and her say at the same time, it was a Disney princess bed. An uglt one too, the princess was sleeping beauty.

Me and her stripped her bed of all the Disney princess and I gave her one of my pillows and 1 of my blankets, which were normal camo. I was happy they didn't give me transformers or some childish shit.

After we were done with our conversion of certain items we both changed in the the pajamas in the dressers next to our beds.

I was now shirtless with black pajama bottoms, while rosa was wearing a white tank top and gray bottoms. I flopped 8n 1 of the beds, I didn't care which rosa flopped into the other gently going to sleep while I stayed awake staring at the gray stone ceiling, slowly drifting into a light slumber.

When I wake up I'm met by my cousins face smiling cutely at me. I smile back at her slightly wondering how she got all the way across the room so fast.

"Time for school Lynn" she states with the cutest imitation baby voice.

"Alright tiny tot, let me dress" I say to her, she responds by getting off my chest. Then she leaves the basement so i can have my privacy.

I go to the dresser and grab a white shirt, leather jacket, and a beanie with socks and my new shoes.

After getting ready I head up the stairs to the normal floor smelling the delicious smell of chocolate pancakes and bacon. I head into the kitchen, grabbing 3 pieces of bacon and leaving through the front door before anyone can say anything. Aside from the annoying yellow car I see a pure black camero with electric blue trim.

"Cool car" I say aloud to myself.

"Um, pumpkin" I hear mother christian say "that's yours" she finishes

"Holy fuck, that's sweet" I yell

"Please when you get back from school hide it from my husband" she practically begged

"Why" I ask head tilting to the side

"I kinda bought it without him knowing" she says with a sheepish smile

I nod slightly and head to the car, but not before the christian mother throws me the keys.

I unlock then open the door and start the car.

I head off to the school I'm being forced to go to.

"Chamerlot high" I say in disgust "this is gonna be fun" I finish after seeing the 'delinquents' of the school. I stop the car and head in to the school, when I walk in the door I hit a chiseled chest. As soon as I back away I see a 7 foot giant in comparison to my 5 foot 11 that's pretty big.

"Watch it" the giant seethes walking away.

"Ooo bad boy coming through dont mess with mr.giant ass, pah! STOP ACTING LIKE A BABY" I screech at his chiseled back.

He stops and turns, then he smirks.

In about 20 seconds tops I'm pressed against a wall with a thick thigh pressed to my lower region.

"Oh puppy" he purred "you dont know who your messing with" he purred a little more

"Oh I think I do kitty cat" I say back at the giant.

"Let's see about that then" he purrs to me.

    I smirk back as if saying 'bring it'

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