"Who is she?"

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Diya convinced Ice to sleep over at her house. Her mom cooked chicken and shrimp Alfredo with sauce made from scratch. She left them both a plate wrapped in the microwave. Ice was almost done with his, the moment he warmed it up in the microwave. Diya smiled and Ice melted. She had no idea the power she had over him. She tucked her hair behind her ears slowly, eating her food. He admired her beauty.

"So what's new?" Ice realized he hadn't really been involved too much in her personal life lately.

She swallowed hard, should she mention Milly? I mean he was the biggest thing that happened to her recently and they were going on a date this week, since he was eager and pushed their date up. She decided not to tell Ice. He'd probably make up some unreasonable scenario as to why she shouldn't go. And she'd probably listen.

"My mom and I have been working on our relationship, which is so refreshing." Ice stole a piece of her shrimp. She swatted his hand.

"Are you serious?! You literally just ate." He stood in a boxer stance and blocked his face with his fist.

"You willing to fight about that plate? Come on ." He bounced around like Ali. Diya laughed.

"Quit it before you wake my mom."

"Aight, but that's good you and her are smoothing things out and what about your dad?" Ice asked as Diya rolled her eyes.

"I rather not waste anymore time on him, and the possibility of rekindling things with my mom. He was home for about a week in a half, and now he is gone again. I think my mom and Grandma got into a huge fight. And I guess he was all shook because mom had an episode. So, instead of sticking by her side, he ran like he always does." Ice came up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulder.

"I think you're missing something, I think there may be secrets there, they can't or won't tell you. It's deeper than the surface, so keep talking with your mom or maybe y'all should consider counseling." He stole another shrimp.

Diya spun around on the stool. "Counseling? Why would I do that? I'm not the one with the problems, they are, she is." Diya spun back around.

"Well, this Selest chick, she just appeared out of nowhere? Who is she?" He changed the subject seeing how it bothered Diya and remembering meeting Selest at the barbecue.

"She was suppose to be visiting a friend, then a couple days turned into weeks and she's always kind of asking me personal questions, like about my family." Diya shrugged.

"So who is the friend? Why would she be hanging with you and Kim and never invite the friend? That seems suspect." Ice leaned over the counter.

Diya agreed with him. Why did she always want to hang out with her and Kim? Selest whole reason for being there was to visit a friend. What was her deal? Diya would get to the bottom of it when she saw her again. Her thoughts were interrupted by Ice's phone ringing.

"Ma we need to talk, are you home?" Ice walked away from Diya.

"Yes, I'm home, had bible study. I have 5 missed calls from you. Are you okay?"

"Your son said some pretty interesting things and Im confused. Because if any of it is true, then my whole entire life is a lie." Ice walked into the living room .

"How you figure?" She questioned him .

"Ma do you have 2 million dollars stashed somewhere?" Ice just came right out and asked. There was a long pause.

" Ma?"

"No," She finally answered.

"I knew he was a lying ...

"... I have 1. 8 million I had 2 million."
She confessed.

Ice was angry.
"Wait are you for real? Why would you keep something like this from me?"

"Come over and we will talk about this in person."

"Ma!" Ice yelled then he heard the call end.

She stood behind him with her arms folded.
"So it's true?" She said as Ice nodded without turning around.

"Look, I'm sure she has a perfectly good explanation as to why she would keep such a huge secret like that from you. So, before you walk into her house like a mad man fresh out of a mental institution, please breathe." Diya tried calming him down.

Ice turned to face her. "What could that woman possibly say to me to make me believe she had a good reason? Do you hear yourself Diya? Think!" He presses his index finger against his right temple.

"She's my grandmother so I will try my best but I need answers and I'm not taking any more lies. I need answers tonight! I will see you later." Ice slammed the door behind him .

Great now he was upset with her again, but right now is not about her. It seems like Ice has opened Pandora's box and there was no turning back .

How would you react to finding out your grandmother has 1.8 million stashed away ?

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