Day 1: Night

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1:56 am:
I sat on the chair in the corner of my room by the window the blinds closed shut. I looked into the lonely but somehow comforting darkness that filled the space accompanied by an eerie silence. I sighed with disappear and frustration as hot tears filled my eyes. Not again, I'm not crying again, not today. I'm so tired of crying. I tried today I really did but it wasn't enough it never is, I mean how could anything ever be. By this point tears were streaming down my face. It really tore a chunk out of me when I come to the realization that no matter what I do the out come will always be the same, broken and horrible. I take a deep shaky breathe and wipe the tears form my flushed cheeks. I slowly make my to my bed and close my eyes praying that sleep will come, even though it never will.

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