Chapter Ten

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Virgil took a deep breath as he looked up at the apartment above the flower shop, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. This was a huge step for him. He'd always lived on his own. He'd always relied on himself when it came to food or utilities, but now, he'd be sharing with someone for the first time since he was a teenager.

"Having second thoughts?" a sweet voice asked from behind him. He turned to see his boyfriend of three years smiling sympathetically at him. "Because if this is freaking you out, we can always wait."

He shook his head and looked back at the building confidently. "No, I'm okay," Virgil replied. The tattoo artist felt his boyfriend step up next to him. Reaching out, he grasped his hand and intertwined their fingers. Patton's thumb brushed the side of his palm as they held hands. "I think that we're ready, that this will be good for us."

"So you're absolutely sure?" he asked once more. With a nod, he allowed the florist to lead the way into the closed shop. 

They traveled through the flower shop to the back room, where a corridor with a staircase awaited for them. Virgil followed his boyfriend up the stairs to the little apartment he'd visited many times in the last three years. They reached the door and Patton paused, smiling at him. "You should close your eyes."

"Why?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Just because, humor your boyfriend, Virgil," the florist said. He pouted and made his bottom lip quiver as he looked at him. Reluctantly, the tattoo artist let his eyes slip closed. He heard the keys unlock the door and felt himself being pulled inside the sweet smelling apartment. "Okay! Open your eyes."

Virgil's eyes fluttered open, not really knowing what to expect. His breath caught in his throat as he gasped. He'd been to this apartment enough times to know every detail but it looked drastically different. Of course, there were some things that hadn't changed; most of the pictures were the same and it hadn't been repainted or anything, but everywhere he looked there was something from his previous living space. 

His Nightmare Before Christmas posters were alongside Patton's framed flower collections. His My Chemical Romance blanket was draped over the couch with the other blankets. He spotted some of his favorite horror movies on the shelf that hadn't been there before. On the book shelf across the room, he saw Stephen King novels, Grimm Fairytales, and some little action figures and other trinkets he'd kept in his apartment. 

"Do you like it?" his boyfriend asked quietly as he took in his surroundings. "I wanted to make you feel at home so I blended your apartment with mine, so I hope it-mmf!"

Virgil cut his sentence off by pressing a kiss to his lips quickly. "I love it, I love it so much, Patton, thank you," he said as he pulled away. He grinned as he took another look around and then hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much."

The florist smiled happily as he hugged his boyfriend back. Sure, he was a bit scary on the outside, but he was loving and adorable under his tattoos and leather jackets. 

The two of them settled down on their couch and watched all their favorite movies for the rest of the night, sharing blankets and a pizza they had delivered. It was undeniably the happiest either of them had ever been with another person. Despite having just moved in together, Virgil could already tell he'd never want to leave. Perhaps give them another year or two maybe they'd be wearing matching wedding bands. 

The End.

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