As long as we do.

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I held Milohyun gentle to my side as Jungkook watched TV.

I soon got up passing Milohyun over to Jungkook, "You're gonna have to start cooking dinner one night, because I am getting super tired of this crap." 

He sighed getting up, "I'll cook tonight if you want."

I shook my head no, considering it was a special night. "Did you forget tonight is our anniversary?"

He looked shocked at her, "Uh..No! I didn't! I got you...Uhm..Uh...THIS APPLE WATCH!" 

I looked at him sorta mad, but then releasing the madness, into a smile. 

"I already have one, plus your Minnie mouse one isn't suited for me." I chuckled.

"I stole it from Hoseok." He smirked.

Namjoon and Minha knocked on the door, "Minseo~ah Open the door~!" 

I walked over to the door, opening it.

Minha and Namjoon stood before me, I welcomed them into the house as they walked over to baby Milohyun they smiled. 

Minha picked him up and rocked him back and forth, "Such a sweet baby boy."

I went upstairs to get ready, putting on the most beautiful dress ever. 

It was black, filled with lace, sparkled every time in the light.

It was black, filled with lace, sparkled every time in the light

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I grabbed my white hand bag, "Jungkook...Baby? Are you ready?" 

He shouted from down the hall, "Yeah! Let's go!" 

He ran down the stairs, waving goodbye to Joon and Min. 

"Bye guys, see you later! Don't get to crazy!" He chuckled. 

They looked at each other, "EHHH!?" 

 We walked out the door, getting into our car and left. 

We finally arrived at the restaurant, the waitress approached me. 

"Hello, Ma'am..How may I take your order?" 

She glanced over at Jungkook, "Oh...Oh my god! Jeon Jungkook!" 

She bowed, he bowed back slightly smiling. 

I looked at the waitress, then looking at my husband. 

"Mrs. Jeon! I apologize, would you like to order?" She smiled, and kept looking over at Jungkook. 

I looked at him, then looking at her. "I'll have a Raspberry lemonade, and Buttered seafood, mostly crab, please no shrimp." 

She nodded, then blushing as she looked at Jungkook, "And for you Mr. Jeon?" 

He smiled slightly at her and nodded, "I'll have the same but shrimp in mine, I'll take a bottle of Chateau Lafite."

She nodded placing garlic knots on the table, she left and came back with his wine and my lemonade. 

She poured the wine into his glass, I sipped my lemonade. 

"How's the wine?" I looked at him. 

He looked at me, "It's good." 

I nodded, beginning to eat.

He looked over at me, "Baby..What's wrong?" 

I looked at him, placing my chopsticks down neatly, "I'm worried about Milohyun going to school.." 

I sighed, wresting my head on his shoulders. "I are so mean now days." 

He nodded, placing his hands under my chin and kissing me. 

 I smiled as tears ran down my face, the waitress came back and dropped her tray, "Oh my..I'll get you tissues." 

She ran back giving the tissue to me, and picking the dishes and the trays up. 

I got up leaving money on the table, going to the car. 

Jungkook bowed, paying then rushing to the car. 

He got in starting it up, by this time I was in tears. 

He frowned driving home, he entered the house code and we drove up in the driveway, parking the car.

 I got out, unlocking the door.

Namjoon and Minha were making out on the couch.

I looked at them, "Where's Milo?" 

They stopped making out and looked at me, "Uh...he's sleeping." 

They got up and smiled, bowing.

Minha hugged me as well as Namjoon.

I bowed as they left, Jungkook stood talking to them.

I walked upstairs and headed towards Milohyun's room. 

He stood by the door as I opened it.

I smiled looking at him and picked him up. 

"Mama~!" He hugged me.

I hugged back and kissed his little forehead. 

"My baby boy! My little cutie.." I smiled. 

He smiled and pointed at his uniform, "Mama..I'm ready for school!" 

I smiled and cried, "You're ready for school? It doesn't start till next week.." 

He nodded and giggled, "I gon-go to sweepy mwama!"

He climbed out of my arms and hugged my legs, He walked to his bed and went to sleep. 

I smiled and shut his door going to my room, I began undressing and Jungkook walked in.

"I was telling them why you were sad..Also my beautiful wife." He smiled and hugged me. 

I smiled placing my nightgown on and went to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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