Chapter Forty-Two

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Catalina's POV

It had all fallen into place. This was why my father hated Reaper from the very beginning. My father's M.C had killed Reaper's brother, wife, and child; in return Reaper burned the M.C's club house to the ground with everyone in it but one. Although, clearly it was more than just one because my father was alive and Reaper remembers who he thought was the only one to survive. This entire time my father has been trying to kill him in order to get back at him for what he did. The cycle was just continuing over and over again.

My mother had rushed out of the bedroom when she heard the front door open, my 'father' was home from whatever he had been doing. I searched for my phone in order to contact Jess, he had to be slightly close by now. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to even begin getting close until we were already gone. Alex would have been able to know if we were being followed and he wouldn't have brought me to Robbie. Footsteps came into my room as my phone was in my hands and I quickly deleted the messages. Alex's frame crowded the doorway in a much less intimidating and sexy way that Robbie's did. He was smaller, less muscular and it really showed at this point in time.

"I didn't bring him here for you to be tending to him. I brought him here so that Juan and his men wouldn't kill him like you asked. That doesn't mean you two get to play house while he's tied up in the basement." My eyes met his as I nodded my head, be smart about this Catalina. He's baiting you.

"How do you expect me to not tend to him? I would tend to anyone in the situation that he's in." I shrugged my shoulders and looked over my shoulder out the window in order to avoid his eyes meeting mine.

"Well, I guess we won't have to worry about it for much longer." He mumbled to himself. My head shot to his direction.

"What is that suppose to mean?" My skin has goosebumps covering it and I felt paralyzed.

He shrugged his shoulder as he advanced into the bedroom and shut the door behind him. "You're father's home, did you really think he was going to last much longer?"

I couldn't breathe, panic was washing over me in crashing waves and I didn't know if was going to jump and run or pass out. "W-when?" My voice stuttered as a smirk came over his face as he sat beside me.

"Probably tomorrow, I don't really know." He gestured with his hands before laying back. "Not really my problem, I'm ready to have him out of my way." His hand on my back send chills up my spine in the worst way possible, he was skin to skin with me and I felt like I needed to crawl out of mine. "Shouldn't matter to you anyway, you promised me you. Maybe if you treat me kindly I'll ask your father to make it quick on him."

There was nothing around me, I didn't have anything that would work to my advantage. I needed out of this room and I needed it fast before I did something that would get Robbie killed tonight. My eyes searched for his before I spoke, "I suppose I should go and say hi to my father." He nodded his head.

"I suppose you should."

"Then I'll go and say goodnight to my mother before I turn in." I was nodding to myself, I needed something from the kitchen.

My feet pattered down the stairs as I skipped over every other before I was in the kitchen. I knew that my father was in the living room watching a late night show. In order to not look like I was up to no good, I'd have to go and see him first. Sure Catalina, go hug the man that isn't actually your father, but thinks he is and is going to kill the father of your unborn child. Great.

"Hi." I whispered as I stood in the arch of the doorway. I wasn't exactly sure how he was going to respond to me being here after all this. Would he react with anger and hit me? He did have me kidnapped.

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