That dang flea

668 28 18

Hey I'm peter pug, I am just a regular pug with a regular family or at least that Is what everyone thinks of me. No one knows not even my family or dog friends know that at the dog playground i got bite by a radioactive flea and it turned me into spider-pug. The thing that sinks the most I that I have to try and keep my secret from my family and my dog friends but there is one person I have to tell Gwen Siberian (she's a husky) rinnnnngggg that the school bell I got to go! "peter pug I hear you have to ask me something"oh god why do I always set my self up like this but I do like her maybe ill do this for the greater good. "We'll Gwen you see that it's just well I want tone a little more than your friend if you understand what I'm saying?" "Just shut up and kiss me" she presses her furry husky face agents mine and all "I can say is I guess where that know huh"why did that dang flea have to bite me than we could have been a regalia couple but no it had be like this didn't it I guess I have to tell her soon.well I have to go to science and hunk about this and ask the teacher about that dang flea.

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