The backstory blah blah

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You want to here backstory? I thought people said that was boring but ok I guess we will go back to that faithful day but you do realize that will be the rest of the book right? You do ok fine lets do this! "peter stay here with your aunt Muggin" those where the last words I had ever heard from my father. I had I live with aunt Muggin and uncle Beagle I lived my uncle Beagle and he lived me he was the best person I ever knew . And by the time I was in high school I got mad at him too mad for my and his own good that night I ran away as he told me with great power comes great responsibility and I that night he was killed with one cowardly shot from some criminal. Uncle beagle was killed and I swore from now on I would use my powers for good because that is what he would want me to do.

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