Julian x female! Reader

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{This one is a little indulgence, just because I felt like it. Feel free to request in the comments! The instructions are in the introduction chapter.}


Your POV~

"Alright, Y/N. I'm heading out now. If you need anything, you can always scry with me." Asra says as he wraps his scarf around his neck and face, then he places his hat on and walks to the door.

"Goodbye, Asra. Be safe."

"I'll do my best." He waves, and then he's out the door. You sigh- you hate being alone for so long.

He's usually gone anywhere from a day to a month, and it gets tough sometimes.

"Why did I get stuck with the... flooziest magician as a master ever?" You groan out loud, getting up from your chair and heading upstairs to your bathroom to get ready for bed.

You go through your routine, washing your face and brushing your teeth, bathing, etc., then you head to Asra's room and change into one of his big, cozy white shirts and a pair of grey underwear that you grabbed from your room on your way by.

What he doesn't know, won't hurt him, you think to yourself. You grab your clothes and leave his room, shutting the light off and closing the door behind you. You drop your clothes in your laundry basket as you pass your room, then head back downstairs to pick up reading from where you left off in one of Asra's spell books.

After about fifteen minutes of you reading, there's a huge crash! in the back room, making you jump and accidentally close your book, effectively losing your place.

Damnit. You roll your eyes, then set the book down on the table out front and head to the back.

You pull the curtain up, and there's Julian, lying in a heap on the floor, surrounded by books. He notices you, and gives you a warm smile.

"Hheeeeyyy, Y/N! I-I was just-"

"Breaking in again... but why? Asra isn't even here." You say, then you squat down and help him sit up. You brush his hair out of his good eye, then you make eye contact...

"H-help me clean up these books." You clear your throat and say.

You get lost in his gaze every time... it's just not fair that he has to be so attractive.

You keep your eyes on the books as you two clean up, but the same cannot be said for the doctor. You feel his gaze on you every so often, and once you're all done stacking the books up again, you realize you're only in a shirt and underwear.

Oh, shit.

"I- uh, I-I didn't know you'd be coming... o-otherwise I w-would be wearing s-something more appropriate." You stammer, keeping your arms in front of your chest as you tangle and disentangle your fingers over and over. Your cheeks feel like they're on fire, and you can't look at Julian.

"Oh, don't be modest on my account. I think you look positively ravishing." Your head snaps up to meet his uncovered eye in a surprised manner.

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