14. The Wedding

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It's Saturday morning and the girls are getting ready at the house. The guys are ready and are at the church waiting. It's 9:30 and Gabby has to be at the door of the church at 10:00. Jack is giving her away since her father cannot. Taylor is maid of honor and Chad is best man. Kelsi, Martha, and Sharpay are bridesmaids and Jason and Ryan and Zeke are groomsmen. Sharpay has turned a new leaf and is now part of the gang. She spoils Tori as her niece like the other girls and is dating Zeke. Sharpay finishes Gabby's make-up and Taylor puts the tiara and veil on her head. "There. All ready, Gabs." Sharpay said.

"Thanks, Shar."

"You're welcome." The girls head out to the car and go to the church.

They pull up just before ten and run in to the double doors. The girls walk in and get into position. Jack links his arm with Gabby's and smiles. "You look beautiful, Gabriella."

"Thanks, Jack."

"You ready for this?"

"I'm about to become Mrs. Troy Alexander Bolton. Of course I'm ready."


The music starts and the doors open to reveal them. They walk down the aisle and Gabby smiles at Troy. Troy sees her and smiles his million dollar smile that's only meant for her. They get to the end and Jack hands her to Troy. The couple face the priest still smiling as the music stops. "Ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to join Troy Alexander Bolton and Gabriella Marie Montez in holy matrimony. If there's anyone here who thinks these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one said a thing. "Alright. I believe you two made your own vows."

Troy faced Gabby and smiled. "Gabriella Montez, I know we haven't known each other long and this may seem a little fast. But when I first saw you, it was like we were the only ones in the whole world. For me, it was love at first sight. You're smart like Einstein and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. We dated for a couple of weeks and now it just seems like forever because in my heart and mind, you're the one for me. I love you so much and you have given me a beautiful adopted daughter that I adore to no end. You're truly the best thing that's ever happened to me and now I stand here feeling like the king of the world because of it. I've never been so happy in my life until you came along and now my life can only get better."

"Awww." The crowd sighed happily.

Gabby was crying happy tears and smiling at his words. "Troy Bolton, if anyone here is lucky to have found love, it's me. I had no man in my life since my dad died when I was three. But then you came along and practically swept me off my feet. You knew you were popular in school and when you found out that I was the exact opposite, you didn't care. You told me that the only thing you cared about was that I was your girlfriend. You loved my brains." The crowd laughed at that. "You promised when I started at your school, that you would protect me from any bullies. You have and I love you for it. I loved to sing up until I tried a solo and ended up staring at the ceiling, but then I met you and you made me want to try singing again. I've never had friends in school until I came here and I couldn't be more grateful. You've given me a family and I couldn't ask for anything better. I love you so much and I can't wait to give you more children."

"Awwww." The crowd sighed happily again.

"Well then. Do you Troy Bolton take Gabriella Montez to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold. For rich or for poor? In sickness and in health? Until death do you part?"

Troy smiled his million dollar smile at Gabby again. "I do."

"And do you Gabriella Montez take Troy Bolton to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold. For rich or for poor? In sickness and in health? Until death do you part?"

"I do."

"May we have the rings please?" Chad and Taylor handed them the appropriate rings. "Troy, put the ring on her finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

He did as told and slipped it on her finger against the engagement ring. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Gabriella, put the ring on his finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

She did as told. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now pronounce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Alexander Bolton! You may kiss the bride."

Troy happily pulled her to him by the waist and dipped her kissing her as passionately as possible. Everyone clapped and cheered.

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