reaction • 1

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Ateez reacting to you confessing <3



-is really surprised

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-is really surprised

-totally did not expect it at all

-did I mention he was s h o o k

-wide eyes

-after he saw your worried expression he would snap out of it and confess back

-asks you out on a date

-still can't believe his longtime crush and him are dating now


-is still shy but he is more of the confident type

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-is still shy but he is more of the confident type

-is kinda surprised you confessed before he did

-that cute awkward smile at its fullest uwu

-gives you a hug and confesses back almost immediately

-takes you out for ice cream


-shook baby

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-shook baby

-f l u s t e r e d 

-would have wide eyes but doesn't because of him trying to suppress a smile (idk why I think he would suppress a smile? Maybe cuz he was still unsure of what just happened)

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