Chapter 2: With Honesty

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-Aeri's POV-

You are at Logic class, Professor Minjae hasn't arrived yet which is odd since he's always on time. Fortunately, everyone is on their places talking in between each other and they are leaving you alone for now. Suddenly, the door from the classroom got opened, revealing the Principal and Professor Minjae.

-Good morning students – The Principal said as everyone stood up from their places.

-Good morning, Principal – Everyone said at the same time.

-Take a seat, please – Professor Minjae ordered, then everyone did want he told.

-Today's morning, I talked with teachers and professors from different subjects who are constantly with you, the last generation before college – The Principal spoke. -We touched some topics that are very important for this school's image and education, and because of it we decided to make a change inside the classrooms – He added.

Everyone started to murmur in between them while asking the normal inquiries after hearing the word "changes".

-Quiet, students – Professor Minjae told, then everyone calmed down.

-From now on, the classrooms are going to change but your teachers and subjects will be the same. I have a list of who's leaving and who's staying, and this is just to solidify the relationship in between students – The Principal explained before giving Minjae a paper; the list.

You looked surprised by the Principal's words, and then you stared at Minjae speechless. He just winked at you while smiling before he started to name the people who are about to leave.

As he kept on spelling the names who are leaving, you noticed that the ones who bother you the most are going out from your group, such as; Bryn, Lidia, Jinsang, Hyunki, and Mason. One part of you felt relieved but then another started to make you question if the other students are going to bother you the same way.

-The ones I didn't mention are going to stay here in this group – Minjae told. -Now, the ones who are coming to this group will arrive in a couple of minutes – He added.

The Principal left the room and took the students to the other group, in the meanwhile everyone was impatient to see who was coming to this group. Luckily, the waiting didn't last long since a lot of other students started to arrive, and they started to get to the front of the classroom.

-I present you the new members of this group – Minjae said before clapping for them.

Everyone started to clap happily by the new students of the group.

-NCT Dream is here – You heard a girl murmuring behind you.

-Yes – Another one agreed.

What? They are here.

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