Stalker? [MarkGOT7]

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When you open you're locker, there's a paper slip off it. First, you thought there someone put it in wrong locker but you shurgged and took it from the floor.

' you lookin cute when you angry, you looking beautiful when you woke up and now you looked gorgeus when i saw you yet from far.

    -Mr. Stalker'

Wow. That's creepy. You looked surrounded you but nothing. You just saw some people talking each other but not someone staring at you nor looking at you.

You shurgged again, put it in you're between inside you're book and went to class.

"Do you get my precious paper?" Someone asked as you sat on you're chair. You looked up and Uh oh.

Mark Tuan.

Not just the goodness of basketball player but you're worst enemy ever. The one that always bullying and picked on you since elementry school.

"Oh, the Mr.Stalker paper? Uh Oh. No." You lied for no reason. You can see the pain and hurt from his face.

"Why you asking me?" You asked.

"N-nothing" He shuttered and start to walked off.

Lunch Time!

You usally going to the cafeteria with you're friends but no, because you don't have any mood, you just bring you're foods to the roof.

"Why? Gosh, why do i have to fall in love with her?! That Nerdie!" Someone shouted as you reach the rooftop. You looked and found red hair. Excatly the one and only, Mark Tuan.

You open the door slowly but it make a loud crack. Mark quickly looked at you're place.

"What? What are you doing here?" He asked with no emotions at all.

"I'm gonna eat here" You shurgged and walked toward him with you're lunch box, standing beside him.

"i known you gave this to me." You pull out the paper from you're pocket shirt. Mark looked at you and blush suddenly.

"Since when you became a stalker huh?" You looked at him. He stay quiet and just looked front.


"Since elementry school."


Wow. It's that long or bored? Mianhe :B i just a bit stress today, thinking of who i want to make and Please vote vote ^^.

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