Goodbye [DaehyunBAP]

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You and Daehyun was dating about 2 years. He asked you on a date and you was get ready, until that night he asked you if you want to be his girlfriend, then you said yes happily and kissed him. So, that's how it going. But you haven't told Daehyun that you have a lungs cancer. You cough and cough until it came blood out from youre mouth. Thank god that Daehyun was busy. You're parents was worried sick about you and told you that you need to let Daehyun known but you shooked you're head, knowing he will break up with you. And today, you're day. The day you must going up there. Daehyun was beside you, cry and cry as youre dad patting his back.

"Young man, i known you love _________ so much but i want you to known that, she was preparing you a letter before she go." Youre dad sigh and take out the letter from his tuxedo.

"Here. And please don't stay mad." You're dad sigh again and patting his back for the last time and went away.

Daehyun unfolded the letter and began to read it.

         "Dear my lovely,

   today is the day that i'm going to somewhere. I hope you don't mad because of what i did. Oppa, not because i'm not loving that i can't tell you that i have lung cancer. But, i'm afraid that you would leave me. Oppa, i hope you will find someone that fit to you. And eat please? There's no will be me there to feed you, buddy. And ...

       Saranghae... Daehyun oppa. Always and forever.

                         - P/S - Please don't ever come to my grave because i will not able to wipe all youre tears anymore.
                          - ___________"

Daehyun drop him self beside you're grave and cried harder. His knees became weak and DUMP! he was lying beside you. " i love you too ___________. Always and forever." He close his eyes and driftted into sleep beside yours.


First, dont hate me because of sad or worst imagine. Second, i sorry about my late update, i'm just not feeling well though. Well, at least i'm update something! 하 하 하 ㅋㅋㅋ.

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